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神明是奇怪的。The gods are strange.

我觉得非常奇怪。I find that so strange.

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说来离奇It was a strange thing.

我对这里十分人地生疏。I am quite strange here.

我在这里人地生疏。I am quite strange here.

听起来有点奇怪。It sounds quite strange.

这道菜有股怪味。This dish tasts strange.

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江中一奇帆。A strange sail the river.

本提乌是一个神奇的地方。Bentiu is a strange place.

Neal觉得头皮发麻。Neal’s scalp felt strange.

这个匾额怎么奇怪了?How strange is this plaque?

这真是一次莫名的患病。This was a strange illness.

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那所怪楼究竟是什么?What was this strange house?

他站在一条陌生的街道上。He stood in a strange street.

虽然看来很怪,但事实如此。Strange as it seems,it is so.

这话真新鲜。That's a strange thing to say.

它仅是一个很奇怪的面具。It is just a very strange mask.

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深以为异。It strikes one as very strange.

那朵云的形状很怪。That cloud has a strange shape.

韩佳,这条路很少见。Han Jia, this is a strange road.