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这事不合理。This affair is unreasonable.

这完整是不讲理。This is totally unreasonable.

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我父亲有时候很不讲道理。My father can be very unreasonable.

我们拒绝了他的无理要求。We refused his unreasonable demands.

你赚了钱才是正道理。You made money is being unreasonable.

当兵的有时候就是这么不讲道理。Sometimes soldiers can be so unreasonable.

不要向无理要求屈服。Don't truckle under to unreasonable demands.

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他被她的无理取闹激怒了。He was offended by her unreasonable quarrel.

艾咪不向任何无理要求让步。Amy doesn't yield to any unreasonable demand.

不应无道理地拒绝给予批准。Approval shall not unreasonable be withholded.

不应无道理地拒绝给予批准。Approvals should not unreasonable be withheld.

你方还盘价格不合娌。The price you counter-offered is unreasonable.

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对于不合理的要求,我们决不让步。We will yield nothing to unreasonable demands.

那么,期盼这样的事情又算不算“不可理喻”呢?Is that such an unreasonable thing to hope for?

我妻子的无理要求使我很为难。My wife's unreasonable demand has me up a tree.

别人对你的无理要求,根本不用理睬。Don't let others put unreasonable demands on you.

我从来没碰到过你这样不讲道理的人。I’ve never met such an unreasonable person as you.

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我从没觉得他们不讲理。At no time did I feel they were being unreasonable.

他们用无理的要求催逼我。They're crowding me with their unreasonable demands.

因为老板太不讲理,雇员全体辞职。All employer quit because boss is so no unreasonable.