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灯光整日照射入客厅之中。Light pours daylong into the parlor.

在为期一天的会议后,她将飞往耶路撒冷。After the daylong conference she was flying to Jerusalem.

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大约250名武装份子在这一整天的战斗中被杀害。About 250 militants were killed during the daylong battle.

我很少生病,即使工作一整天也感到精力旺盛。I seldom get sick but feel vigorous even if I work a whole daylong.

终日的小雨使得车祸事故比平时都要多。The daylong drizzle made the day slightly more calamitous than most.

一顿丰富的早餐会让你一整天都精神百倍。The breakfast that abounds suddenly can make you daylong mental hundredfold.

整天闻一种气味,会使丘脑‘麻木’。By being unclothed to a smell all day daylong it's tricking the hypothalamus.

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持久润泽配方,营造丰盈双唇一整天。3D魔幻效果,魅力十足!Lasting moist recipe, Create plump pair of lip daylong . 3Ddemon unreal effect, Fascination thorough!

我们采用整日课程来进行商务写作和软件操作一类的培训。We have a few daylong training sessions for topics like business writing skills and software training.

“切记,”他说,把一只手指放到唇边,提醒我们遵守保持全天沉默的誓约。“Remember, ” he chirped, and then held a finger up to his lips, reminding us of our daylong vow of silence.

欧盟外交政策主管索拉纳表示,持续了一天的谈判总的来说富有建设性。European Union Foreign Minister, Javier Solana described the daylong negotiations as generally constructive.

年初在曼哈顿中区,一个风投公司开了一整天的会议,议题是学校改革。Earlier this year in midtown Manhattan, a local venture capital firm staged a daylong conference on school reform.

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对高血压患者来说,哪怕只是缺一晚的觉,都会导致一整天血压偏高。Even a single night of inadequate sleep can cause daylong elevations in blood pressure in people with hypertension.

在一个阳光明媚的周末把一个Kindle或者索尼的阅读器带到公园,你只需要它就可以度过一天的野餐生活。Take a Kindle or a Sony Reader to the park on a sunny weekend and you could have a daylong picnic with just the e-reader.

新鲜的质地可以让它更好的拉伸卷翘睫毛,并能保持效果一整天。The drawing that new quality of a material can let it is better coils become warped eyelash, can maintain the effect daylong.

神农对植物的医药作用非常熟悉,他曾在一天的采药过程中就辨识出了70种有毒植物。Shennong was familiar with the healing properties of plants and could identify as many as seventy poisonous plants in a daylong hike.

参加这次活动7个国家分别是美国、日本、英国、德国、法国、意大利和加拿大。The 7 participating countries are the United States, Japan, Britain, Germany, France, Italy and Canada. The daylong meeting at the U.

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东京大都会图片。一个巨大的屏幕广告,终日的流动的信息之一,欢迎过路人在大相机商店前面靠近东京的有乐町车站。A jumbo screen ad—one of a daylong stream of messages—greets passers-by in front of the Bic Camera store near Tokyo's Yurakucho Station.

8月,宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院派新生到GA接受为期一天的创业理念速成培训。In August, the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School sent its incoming class on a daylong crash course in entrepreneurial concepts.

沉淀了一整天的优雅让我们在夜晚无比自信,淡淡的倦怠让我们在慵懒中透出迷人的魅力。Precipitated daylong grace lets us be in night is extremely self-confident, light tired let us be in languid is lazy in give attractive charm fully.