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他过着离群索居的生活。He leads a solitary life.

快乐都是孤独的么?Is all happiness solitary?

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林间空地,只有一个孤客。Along thy glades a solitary guest.

你是孤独的看客,是智者。You're a solitary gazer , a thinker.

伯莎孑然一身散步的道路是通向海边的。Bertha's solitary walk was to the sea.

落叶孤零飘下。Deciduous solitary zero floating down.

孤影一人,去找谁解决?Shadow solitary one, to find who solve?

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独自一个人从盆中长出来。Solitary figure is growing out of a pot.

孤单游荡的野鬼。The wild ghosts that wander in solitary.

茎干尾部有单花。Flowers solitary at the end of the stems.

大厅里点着一盏孤灯,发出昏暗的光。A solitary light burned dimly in the hall.

孤坐冻吟谁伴我?Solitary sat frozen bard who stay with me?

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一支孤烛使这个小房间亮了起来。A solitary candle lightened the small room.

山腰上孤零零地长着一棵树。One solitary tree grew on the mountainside.

岸上是一片荒凉萧索的沼地。There was the solitary flat marsh on the shore.

她彷徨在这寂寥的雨巷。She wanders along the solitary lane in the rain.

这个生日我意识到我是孤单的了。This birthday my aming aware of me was solitary.

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孤独的树木,如果他们都成长,那他们都会长的很高大。Solitary trees, if they grow at all, grow strong.

当他来时,孤苦之地必成欢愉。When he cometh the solitary places shall be glad.

她连一个问题都答不对。She couldn't answer a solitary question correctly.