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延期或休会至将来某一日期。Postponement or adjournment to a future date.

好几场比赛都因雨延迟。Rain caused the postponement of several matches.

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几次赛马大会因雨延期。Rain caused the postponement of several race-meetings.

他与债权人达成协定延期付款。He compounded with his creditor for a postponement of payment.

他与债权人达成协议延期付款。He compounded with his creditors for a postponement of payment.

在经济层面上,延缓建立FTA对哥伦比亚不会产生任何迅速的影响。Economically, postponement of the FTA will not have any immediate impact.

每次拖延都可能降低学习的效率。Every postponement reduces the effectiveness of your work with SuperMemo.

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直接性可以和一个效果的分裂和延迟相对比。Immediacy can be contrasted with disassociation or postponement of affect.

她们或许只是推迟了生育时间,一旦经济衰退结束,她们就会要孩子。It may be a simple postponement and once the recession is over, they have children.

距离发射已经不到一个月的时间的时候,科马罗夫意识到推迟发射是根本不可能的了。With less than a month to go before the launch, Komarov realized postponement was not an option.

据报道,北京的反应包括,推迟和取消了几个计划交流。Beijing's response reportedly has included postponement or cancellation of a few planned exchanges.

台员落大雨及雷公?乎几落项周末耶活动拢取消抑是延期。Heavy thunder showers forced the cancellation or postponement of several scheduled weekend activities in Daiwan.

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上周,NBA官方宣布了取消训练营的延期和43场季前赛。Last week, NBA officials announced the postponement of training camp and the cancellation of 43 preseason games.

故立法设计上宜参考日本模式,赋予地上权人续期请求权和购买请求权。So people in possession of superficies should be endued with the right of applying for postponement and purchase.

电车公司原有服务改善计画的进度,因削减加幅而拖慢。The cut down of the fare increment resulted in the postponement of the modernisation program by Hong Kong Tramways.

累计超过六个月的,由区、县房地局报经市房地资源局审核后批准。If the accumulated postponement is over 6 months, the case shall be approved by the DCHLB after the examination by SMHLRA.

但因天灾事变或不可抗力之事由,得向主管机关申请展延。However, in case of act of God or force majeure, application may be submitted to the regulating authority for postponement.

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文中在成本优化的目标下,研究如何利用延迟的思想来解决如何分配项目的资源。This paper studies the application of the thoughts of postponement into resources distribution for project cost optimization.

此刻,最高统帅然必须作出决定,是相信天气预报,还是下达再一次推迟行动的命令。The supreme commander had then to decide whether he would trust the forecast or order a further postponement of the operation.

正如生育控制和同居一样,婚前性行为的广泛接受也让晚婚变成一个非常受欢迎的选择。The wide acceptance of premarital sex has made postponement of marriage a welcome option, as has birth control and cohabitation.