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书必须得到许可才可以出版。Books now have to be licensed.

你给汽车办执照了吗?。Have you licensed your motorcar?

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水货,其实就是国外的行货!Parallel, in fact, is licensed abroad!

那家商店获许经销烟草。The shop was licensed to sell tobacco.

这台机器上是发牌的道路。This machine is licensed for the road.

这家商店获准经销烟草商品。This shop is licensed to sell tobacco.

他获得了行医执照。He was licensed to practice as a doctor.

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他已经升级好了!He had already licensed the server. Whoops!

只有有执照的商店才能购买批发货物。Only licensed stores can buy wholesale goods.

该县许可他们在这些水域里捕鱼。The county licensed them to fish these waters.

传统医务人员可能未获认证,或无照行医。Practitioners may not be certified or licensed.

古巴目前共有143000张私营执照。Cuba currently has 143,000 licensed self-employed.

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将gpl代码合并到一个麻省理工学院的许可代码?。Incorporating GPLed code into an MIT Licensed code?

该产品是授权默克制药公司于2005年。This product was licensed from Merck, KGaA in 2005.

酒吧区提供一台电视机和一个台球桌。The Kenilworth has a licensed bar and a dining area.

林慧娟持有加州婚姻家庭心理治疗师执照。Ruth Lin is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist.

这家商店获许,可经销啤酒、葡萄酒及烈酒。The store is licensed to sell beer, wine and spirits.

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获得许可下由三机部123工厂进行生产。The licensed production was carried out by 123 Factory.

这家餐馆未获准出售烈酒。The restaurant is not licensed for the sale of spirits.

该县允许土地所有人在那些水域捕鱼。The county licensed the landowners to fish these waters.