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西雅图有渡轮。Seattle has ferryboats.

但是我们现在住在西雅图。But we live in Seattle now.

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我是西雅图水手队的球迷。I'm a Seattle Mariners fan.

你住在西雅图的哪里?Where do you live in Seattle?

还有你“西雅图夜未眠”。And to you, Sleepless in Seattle.

赛前,超音速队教练P。Before the game, Seattle coach P.

那个多嘴婆!完了,全西雅图都知道了。The dispatcher? All of Seattle knows!

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这条船锚泊在西雅图港内。The vessel lies at anchor at seattle.

欢迎光临西雅图四季酒店。Welcome to Four Seasons Hotel Seattle.

所以我们在西雅图还有房子。so we still own this place in Seattle.

微软公司总部设在西雅图。The headquarter of Microsoft is in Seattle.

在西雅图的投票站将不会开放。Polling places in Seattle will ndot be open.

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然后我们会决定什么时候动身前往西雅图。Then we'll decide when to leave for Seattle.

本市兴美国的西雅图是姊妹市。Our city is twinned with Seattle in the U. S.

寄信人地址是西雅图一家律师事务所。The return address was a law firm in seattle.

多年前我去过奥兰多,佛罗里达,还有西雅图。I went to Orlando years ago in Florida, Seattle.

考试大实用英语站点将告诉你答案!Seattle Working English will tell you the truth.

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李国豪葬在西雅图父亲的墓旁边。Brandon is buried alongside his father in Seattle.

西雅图有哪几家好的日本餐厅?。What are the good Japanese restaurants in Seattle?

这个地区有法院大楼在西雅图和塔科马。The district has courthouses in Seattle and Tacoma.