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这一乐句要奏成断音。Play this phrase staccato.

他一顿一顿地大声下了几道命令。He shouted a series of staccato orders.

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一般说来这些步骤是断续呈现的。These steps are generally done staccato.

现在最流行的方法是断音练习。The most popular approach is the staccato tremolo.

“砰砰”的撞门声来得结实又沉稳,成了有节律的断奏。The banging on the door had reached steady staccato.

卜卜卜…机关枪的声音跟着又上来了。The staccato chatter of a machine gun was heard again.

卜卜卜——机关枪的声音跟着又来。The staccato chatter of a machine-gun was heard again.

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我们现在研究下各阶段的断奏动作。Let us now examine the various stages of the staccato motion.

松鼠蹦蹦跳跳增加了嘎吱嘎吱的断奏音符。Squirrels added staccato crunch notes with their arced leaps.

只是应该有个点在上面,以表示断音。Except there should be a dot above these to indicate staccato.

并在学生关于断奏的联系中将其结合。致用。And students about the link will staccato its combination. Zhiyong.

又一次骤起的爆破声开始了一系列反复无常的跳跃断奏。One more subito blast initiates a series of jumpy staccato crotchets.

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她以一种希伯来式的断音责骂着这位年轻人,而对方只能被动的瞪着她。She chews him out in a staccato of Hebrew, while he stares passively at her.

热尔韦低声地吃吃地笑,斯佩兰斯基发出清晰而含蓄的笑声。Gervais softly hissed a chuckle, and Speransky laughed his shrill, staccato laugh.

思加图STACCATO是一个代表着年轻时尚、型格创新及多元化的时装鞋履品牌。STACCATO is an iconic fashion footwear brand which encompasses a confident sense of style.

结合古典吉他的弹奏、唱、诵、蹈和断续的击掌。It incorporated acoustic-guitar playing, singing, chanting, dancing, and staccato hand-clapping.

大调、小调、渐强和断奏,渐渐的熟习之中忽而也熟习了某些大调的指法。Major, minor, are becoming stronger and staccato slowly, and familiar with some familiar and also the major means of.

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雨水冲刷着奴隶住所的木房顶,急促的水流声掩盖住了他们时断时续谈话的声音。Water coursed along the wood roofs of the slave quarters, drowning their staccato voices with streaming, rushing noise.

其明显的特点是后肢在连续动作时比不连贯动作时有更显著的声音。A visible characteristic is a more pronounced articulation of the hind leg, in a continuous rather than staccato action.

考虑到Twitter这个媒体的更为精短更为不连贯的本质,在这个网站上的交流沟通应当更加频繁。Communicating through Twitter, given the shorter, more staccato nature of the medium, should be more frequent than that.