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如今,妇女留下来照看耕地。Now the agriculture is looked after by the womenfolk.

它正在鼓励中国的农民更加关爱女孩。It is encouraging Chinese farmers to value their womenfolk more highly.

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女眷们想想也是,赶紧竖起耳朵去听。The womenfolk of a families want is also, hurriedly mallet out ear to listen to.

今天是一个特殊的日子,因为今天是世界妇女节。Today is a special day for womenfolk as the day is celebrated as Woman's Day across the world.

家里的女人们——嗜酒如命的母亲和三个邋里邋遢的妹妹扑向他问他要他的工资。And there his womenfolk , a bibulous mother and three dingy sisters, pounced upon him for his wages.

在人类有记载的大部分历史中,西方社会的男人们将妇女从头到脚包裹得严严实实。For most of recorded history, men in western society kept their womenfolk clothed from head to foot.

在内容分析的基础上,指出商业女性网站传播内容的意义与贡献。On the basis of content analyze, it point out the significance and contribution of commercial womenfolk website.

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我们还可以注意到,在许多新兴国家的性别不公正现象,也就是否认妇道人家,以良好的教育被拒绝。We may also note that in many newly emerging states gender injustice, that is, denying womenfolk to good education is denied.

我的一些朋友们,尤其是女士们,肯定认为这太无聊,但是我必须面对我的内在极客。I can just imagine some of my friends, especially the womenfolk , rolling their eyes, but I'm just staying true to my inner geekiness.

本文主要论述了意识倾向变化中的民族寻根意识、人性意识、平民意识、女性意识。In this article, the author focuses on the consciousnesses of root seeking, humanity consciousness, populace consciousness and womenfolk consciousness.

无论是在传统上以女性为主要诉求对象的领域,还是在女性消费的新兴领域,电视广告都已经开始随女人而变。TV advertisements began to change with the women whether in the traditional fields aiming at womenfolk or in the rising domain of the women's consumption.

白夫人房里早坐了几个本家的亲戚好友,又有白家来贺喜探望的女眷们。White the madam have already sat severals in erection this of family nice friend, and then have white house to bless to visit of the womenfolk of a families.

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在旧约据说,男人应该参加庙宇,然后回家自己教女性不会使妇女的家庭带来耻辱。In the Old Testament it is said that the men should attend the temple and then go home and teach their womenfolk so that the women would not bring disgrace to the family.

摩梭女人一生中情侣不断。走婚的后代留在母方家族,受女家长监管。Instead, womenfolk take a series of lovers throughout their lives, and the children of these "walking marriages" remain in their mothers' homes under a matriarch's supervision.

商业女性网站标榜关爱与现代,给予女性形象多元化的展示,扩大了女性的社会实践领域,凸显了女性的话语权。Commercial womenfolk website boost love and modernity, demonstrates the diversity image of women, expand the social experience field of women and emphasize the saying right of women.