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叫我来弥补损失是不可能的。It is impossible for me to recoup.

他最近才恢复健康。He didn't recoup his health until recently.

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失之东隅,收之桑榆,失去地东西并不壹定真是你的损失。Losing nearly recoup the loss is not necessarily what is really your loss.

利丰预测,工厂今年将会重新夺回一些定价权。Li & Fung forecasts that factories will recoup some pricing power this year.

零售商们则希望最后一趟的购物者会填满商店,从而来弥补他们的损失。Retailers hope last-minute shoppers will fill stores to help recoup their losses.

因为他们要补偿那部分花费,很多情况下这似乎很不幸。just because they need to recoup that cost, which, in a lot of cases, seems unfortunate.

法德尔称只需要大概一年,Nest恒温器就能让购买者从节能费用上收回购机成本。Fadell says that energy savings will help buyers recoup the cost of device in about a year.

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如果使用正确,它将使你避免几倍于它低廉价格的激战伤亡和损失。If used correctly, this can save you a ton of hassle and recoup its low cost many times over.

加州通过发放债券为工程融资,并且希望今后通过收过桥费来收回成本。California issued bonds to finance the project, and will look to recoup the cost through tolls.

因为开始的时候是左脑疲劳,所以我们需要换右脑运行,使另一半有时间休息和恢复。So we need to turn our right hemisphere to allow time for the other to take a break and recoup.

被家庭教师协会列入黑名单也许是你收回你宝贵时间的最简单的方式。Getting blacklisted from the PTA is one of the easiest ways to recoup some of your precious time.

该公司希望通过向每台游戏机削价出售游戏来弥补这一损失。The company hopes to recoup its losses by taking a cut from the sale of each game for the console.

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你们能想象他们如何一次次的给他拉皮条去收回他们的投入么?Can you imagine how they're just going to pimp him out over and over again to recoup their expenses.

在这种情况下,公共事业公司可能可以获得赔偿以弥补维修财产的费用。In these circumstances, the utility company can potentially recoup the cost of repairing the property.

批评者说,他永远不会收回球员的费用,他们还指责佩雷斯让俱乐部背负了债务。Critics say he'll never recoup the cost of the players and accuse him of loading up the club with debt.

有人会说,处于职业生涯中期或晚期的人将不会有时间来收回获得高级学位的成本。Some people say workers in midcareer or later won't have time to recoup the cost of an advanced degree.

有人说在职业生涯中期或晚期的工作人士没有资本去承担追求高学历的成本。Some people say workers in midcareer or later won't have time to recoup the cost of an advanced degree.

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当然,不要尝试通过冒更大的险,来弥补你的损失。So forgive yourself for your errors and certainly don't try to recoup your losses by taking bigger risks.

如果我们让生命的早晨滑了过去而未加利用,我们将永远无法弥补这宗损失。If we allow these morning hours of life to slip away unutilized, we shall never be able to recoup the loss.

政府只有在AIG通过出售资产或实现盈利偿还债务时收回大部分投资。The government will recoup most of its investment if AIG can repay its debts through asset sales or profits.