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大约半小时前。About haft an hour ago.

我把它完整的利用在刀柄上了。I is on the haft the exploitation of its integrity.

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一个人弯下腰去摘缠在锹把上的一缕长草。One bent to pluck from the haft a long tuft of grass.

但当我爬到一半时,我累极了,上气不接下气。But when I climbed the haft way, I was very' tired.and quite out of breath.

他告诉我他把他的汽车停放在车站了,他把汽车钥匙丢了。He tells me he has parked his car at the station, and that he haft lost his car key.

一份军方的声明说,军方星期四成功地试射了哈塔夫-7型巡航导弹。A military statement said the test of the Haft VII missile was carried out on Thursday.

锤子银色的头部刻着圣诗,锤子的柄则用蓝色皮革小心的包裹着。The hammer's silvery head was etched with holy runs and its haft was meticulously wrapped in blue leather.

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最近的研究也已记载了赭石在非洲的早期运用。赭石是作为一种把小尖装到武器辕杆上的粘合剂。Recent research has also documented ocher's early use in Africa as an adhesive to haft small points onto weapon shafts.

这个刀把上留下了凶手的天生标记,这是用那位无力自卫、善良无辜的老人的鲜血印下来的,这位老人很爱你们。Upon this haft stands the assassin's natal autograph, written in the blood of that helpless and unoffending old man who loved you.

这个刀把上留下了凶手的天生标记,这是用那位无力自卫、善良无辜的老人的鲜血印下来的,这位老人很爱你们。Upon this haft stands the assassin's natal autograph, written in the blood of that helpless and unoffending old man who loved you.

他的父亲在巴米扬南部的瓦拉斯地区一个叫哈夫戈蒂的村庄种植庄稼,并且在那个区的中心地段开了一家餐馆。Shafaq's father farmed in their village Haft Gody in Waras a district in southern Bamian and ran a restaurant in the district center.

艾哈迈迪内贾德总统在官方电视台节目上描述自己为最近反对派在德黑兰广场上举行集会时发生的暴力行动感到悲哀。Incumbent President Mahmoud Ahmedinejad was shown on state TV describing his sadness at recent violence in Tehran's Haft e Tir Square during an opposition rally.

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型线特点是前倾首V型,尾U型带半隧道式,对吃水浅的渔艇能容较大的直径的螺旋桨,有利于航速的提高。The ship lines advantage they have V head, U-shaped and haft tunnel steen. To a fishing boat of low draught can hold a longer diameter of propeller. But also to raise their speed of ship.