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他就是我儿时的蝌蚪。He is my tadpole.

这个蝌蚪已长成青蛙。The tadpole has become a frog.

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蝌蚪从卵中孵化出来。The tadpole hatches from the egg.

“原谅我吧,”小蝌蚪请求着。"Forgive me, " begged the tadpole.

蝌蚪会变成青蛙。A tadpole metamorphoses into a frog.

小蝌蚪再向前游去。Little tadpole to swim forward again.

接下来,蝌蚪会长成幼蛙。它长出腿和肺。Later, a tadpole can grow into a froglet.

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小蝌蚪在水里游来游去,非常快乐。Tadpole swimming in the water, very happy.

后来小蝌蚪长大了,变成了小青蛙。Later, tadpole has grown up into a small frog.

鲎虫生活在季节性活水池塘中。Tadpole shrimp live in seasonal, freshwater ponds.

一个胎儿是一个人就是像一个蝌蚪也是一只青蛙。A fetus is a human life, just as a tadpole is still a frog.

鲎虫比恐龙、三叶虫、猛犸象更长寿。Tadpole shrimp have outlived dinosaurs, trilobites and mammoths.

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这种蝌蚪通过将空气从肺中挤出,来发出声音。The tadpole produce the sound by pushing air out of their lungs.

蝌蚪变成蛙,它的尾巴就逐渐被吸收掉。As a tadpole changes into a frog , its tail is gradually absorbed.

最令张操志难忘的是连一只蝌蚪都热爱自己的生命,并且知道报答救命之恩。Zhang never forgot that even a tadpole loves its life, and can show gratitude!

合成出具有蝌蚪和项链形的新颖形状的金纳米粒子。Gold nanoparticles with tadpole and necklace-shaped were prepared successfully.

另一个参考认为鲎虫也许已经存在了3亿年。Another reference states tadpole shrimp may have been living for 300 million years.

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当纳塔尔博士用一个手持网去捕捞池塘中的一只角蛙蝌蚪时,发现蝌蚪发出尖叫。That changed when Dr Natale caught a horned frog tadpole in a pond using a hand-held net.

“蝌蚪”状这一我们最为熟悉的形状在哺乳动物以外根本不常见。The "tadpole" shape we most associate with sperm is not at all common outside of mammals.

建立一个低和快速横卧蝌蚪三轮车,或从一个坚固的承载我们的计划三轮车。Build a low and fast recumbent tadpole trike, or a sturdy load carrying trike from our plans.