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你真的是吗?Are you, indeed?

他的确就是“那一个人”。He is indeed the One.

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如果足够着重用“我的“这个词。Maybe indeed everything.

他确实是个急性子。He is a short fuse indeed.

那真是千钧一发的事。It was a close call indeed.

非常肮脏的交易。Very dirty business indeed.

“确实没错。”爸爸说。"Indeed it is, " said Babi.

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这音信会是真的吗?Can the news indeed be true?

那我真太高兴啦。I shall be very glad indeed.

这确实是一种紧急情况。This is indeed an emergency.

我们真需要您的代祷。We indeed need your prayers.

审如其言。What he says is indeed true.

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竟然像血光一样闪烁!You gleam indeed like blood!

奶里确实有钙。Milk contains calcium indeed.

作为一个美国人,我当然知道。As an American, I indeed know.

再见,我很感谢您。Au revoir, I thank you indeed.

他真是不在的好。He was indeed a good riddance.

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她真不愧是只黑马。She was indeed the dark horse.

他确实是个急性子。Indeed he has a short temper.

哈迪先生实际上是个贪污犯。Mr. Hardy was a grafter indeed.