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为什么改版如此频繁?Why is revision so frequent ?

网站改版中!给您带来未便请宽恕!Sorry! Revision of the web site!

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目录册正在修订之中。The catalogue is under revision.

须重新修定测试位置。Must be to revision test position.

一三章程之订定及修改。Enactment and revision of articles.

那书的修订本即将出版。She did some revision for the exam.

这一问题就留待以后修订了。This is left for a future revision.

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白色的面孔“,其实改得很好。This to me is a fascinating revision.

选中想要恢复的版本。Select the revision you wish to revert.

谁提供修改9100的输入?Who provided input to the 9100 revision?

我得到了他编的词典的修订本。I have got the revision of his dictionary.

蒙古文文本的修订方式的定义。Definition of Mongolian text revision style.

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莫特一直为准备考试而复习。Mort does always some revision for the exam.

另一令人注目的修正是2009年的数字。Another notable revision was to 2009 figures.

一个修订也可以有多个前身。A revision can have multiple predecessors, too.

我经常翻阅习作簿來温习。I often go over my exercise books for revision.

2006年,OHSAS编委会开始了修订工作。In 2006, OHSAS editorial board began a revision.

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较色复杂,一旦定版不可以修改。Complex color, once fix the version, no revision.

中国景天属山景天组的修订。Revision of the section Oreades on Chinese Sedum.

这部词典正在审订之中。The dictionary is under examination and revision.