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李允儿,请你振作好吗?Lee grants son, please invigorate like?

对内经济搞活,首先从农村着手。To invigorate the domestic economy, WE began with the countryside.

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冲完冷水澡后,再舒服地泡个长长的热水澡会让你振奋精神。A nice long soak in the hot tub followed by a cool shower will invigorate you.

血瘀风燥证治以活血化瘀,行气解毒。Blood stasis syndrome in the dry, to invigorate the circulation of qi detoxification.

继续采取多种形式放开搞活国有小企业。Continue to invigorate small State-owned enterprises with an relax control over them.

过去20年间,iTunes给音乐行业带来的活力超过了任何一家公司。iTunes has done more to invigorate music than any record company in the past 20 years.

如果你热得感到无力时,试着在凉爽的海水中游泳,这将增添你的活力。If you feel enervated by the heat, try a swim in the cool ocean. It will invigorate you.

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治疗上应遵循脾以健运为用,肝以疏泄为补,肾以滋补为本的原则。The treatment principal of CSA is to health spleen, catharsis liver and invigorate kidney.

我们支持不结盟运动通过改革,发挥潜力,焕发更大活力。We support the NAM in its efforts to tap its potential and invigorate itself through reform.

补肾活血方具有增强免疫功能和滋阴补肾的作用。Bushen Huoxue prescription can reinforce immune function, increase Yin and invigorate the kidney.

进一步放开搞活国有中小企业。We should give a freer rein to small and medium state-owned enterprises to invigorate themselves.

经济学家说,这些因素将制约中国政府再次重振经济的能力。Those factors will constrain the government's ability to invigorate the economy again, economists say.

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继续采取多种形式放开搞活国有小企业。We should continue to relax control over and invigorate small state-owned enterprises in various ways.

目前现行的电费收取制度对经济发展和搞活市场形成一定的阻碍。At present, the existing system of electricity charged to invigorate economic development and hampers market.

对内也要开放搞活,不要固守一成不变的框框。Domestically too we have to open wider, invigorate the economy and not be restricted by conventional thinking.

对她们身体的爱将会使她们放松,变得生气勃勃,深化她们对快乐的感受。For it will give her a sense of confidence that will relax and invigorate her, and deepen her sense of pleasure.

在诗俪美,你将真正体验到六星级的SPA方案给您的身体、精神以及心灵所带来的震撼。At Slimming Sanctuary, will you truly get to experience a 6-star spa design to invigorate your body, mind & soul.

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强精补肾,防止老化,对容易疲劳、体力衰弱大有帮助。Enrich essence and invigorate the kidney, prevent aging process, effective to resist fatigue and physical exhaust.

在服装零售商寻找提高销售的办法时,他们发现在低迷的市场环境中,大号服装是少有的销售保持增长的品种之一。And as retailers search for ways to invigorate sales, plus size is one of the few categories where there is growth.

治疗当考虑补益肺肾、宣痹祛邪、活血通络。In treatment, it is advisable to invigorate the lung and kidney, remove obstruction and activate blood circulation.