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自我感觉安全。We feel safe.

你永远都会觉得有压力感。You’re never safe.

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翘曲速度安全吗?Is Warp Speed Safe?

我送她平安回家。I saw her safe home.

不仅仅选它很安全Not only is it safe.

我很安全又温暧。I'd be safe and warm.

但这个肉是否安全?But is this meat safe?

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一路平安,走好。Have a safe trip home.

转基因食品安全吗?Q8. Are GM foods safe?

他们都平安抵达。They all arrived safe.

万岁,我们现在安全了!Hooray, we are safe now!

市政债券是否安全?How safe are your munis?

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我希望他在家平家。I wish him safe at home.

你总是让我有安全感。You always keep me safe.

希望大家都平安吧。Hope all of you are safe.

吊桥有多安全?How safe is a drawbridge?

什么是安全的人工合成物?What are safe synthetics?

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我祝你一路顺风。I wish you a safe journey.

好,回家一路平安。OK, have a safe trip home.

甲流疫苗是否安全?Are pandemic vaccines safe?