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肝脏和胰脏的小叶界限不清晰。The boundary of liver lobule and pancreatic lobule was obscure.

第18天以后,正常的肝小叶结构开始恢复。After day 18, the normal liver lobule structures began to recover.

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肝小叶非常小,是六棱柱体。The hepatic lobule is very small and looks like a six-sided cylinder.

肝小叶不明显,肝细胞呈卵圆形或多角形。The hepatic lobule is not clear. Hepatic cells are egg-like or polygon.

目的探讨睾丸小叶内淋巴间隙的结构特点。Objective To explore the ultrastructure of lymphatic spaces in Rat testis lobule.

肺小叶由一定数量的腺泡组成,一般是十二个或更少。A secondary lobule is made up of a limited number of pulmonary acini , usually a dozen or fewer.

肝脏结缔组织不发达,肝小叶界限不明显,血窦壁内皮细胞连续有明显的基膜。Connective tissues of liver hepar are not developed, so the edge of the hepatic lobule is not distinctive.

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随着肝脏增大,肝小叶的形成,排列成由1~2层甚至单层的肝细胞索。As the liver increasing and the liver lobule forming , 1-2 layers of cells arrange in the liver cell cords.

对照组肝小叶结构和肝细胞状态正常,仅在中央静脉及汇管区可见少量胶原纤维。In the control group, the structure of liver lobule was normal and a few of collagen fibers located in portal area and central vein.

神经心理学及脑损伤的研究结果表明,大脑两侧顶下小叶和左前额叶与计算加工有关。The neuropsychological research showed that bilateral inferior parietal lobule and left prefrontal are related to calculation processing.

当大脑半球出现半卵圆中心上部时,从扣带回顶部出现到中央旁小叶即将出现的1~2个断面,为顶枕沟消失的断面。The parieto-occipital sulcus disappears on the 1-2 sections from the cingulate gyrus will disappear to the paracentral lobule will appear.

层粘连蛋白主要出现在门静脉周围的肝窦状隙内,纤维连接蛋白在整个肝小叶内表达显著增加。Most of laminin were present along the hepatic sinusoids in the periportal area. Fibronectin markedly increased in the whole hepatic lobule.

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肝细胞肿胀,胞质疏松,小叶内散在点状坏死,汇管区有炎症细胞浸润。Hepatocyte swelling, cytoplasm rarefaction, spotty necrosis scattering in hepatic lobule and inflammatory cell infiltrating in portal duct areas.

疏肝化脂胶囊治疗组大鼠肝小叶和肝血窦结构清晰,肝细胞内无明显脂肪空泡。The structure of rat's liver lobule and liver sinusoid were obvious in the therapy group, hepatic cells were not obviously found the fat vacuoles.

目的观察对比调周法治疗和单纯乳癖消治疗乳腺小叶增生的疗效。Objective To investigate and compare the curative effects of tiaozhou method and pure oral administer of rupixiao to the breast lobule hyperplasia.

肺腺泡是指肺终末支气管远端的部分,12个腺泡组成一个次级肺小叶。A pulmonary acinus is defined as that portion of lung distal to the terminal bronchiole, and up to 12 acini can make up one secondary pulmonary lobule.

结果脂肪小叶移植后具有最好的组织学结果和体积的维持。Result Compared with dermal -fat grafts and microparl fat injections, the fat lobule transplants yield the best volume maintenance and histological results.

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用大鼠肝脏门静脉或肝静脉周围的肝细胞来研究葡萄糖和酮体生成的区域分布。Zonation of ketone body and glucose metabolism was studied in hepatocyte preparations enriched with cells from the periportal or the perivenous zone of the liver lobule.

结论皮脂腺样癌为罕见的特殊类型乳腺癌,可能源自小叶内导管上皮皮脂腺化生。Conclusions Sebaceous gland-like carcinoma is a rare special type of the breast carcinomas , it may originate from sebaceous gland metaplasia of duct epithelia in breast lobule.

这也是某些事实,负责速度感知和旋转3D物体心智能力的小叶,也同样负责着对时间的感知。There is some truth to this also. The lobule that is responsible for the perception of speed and the mental ability to rotate 3-D objects is also responsible for perceiving time.