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吉临时政府欲引渡流亡总统巴基耶夫。Kyrgyz interim gov't orders extradition of Bakiyev.

他开始费尽心思地去想关于引渡法的问题。He began to trouble concerning the extradition laws.

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法院将引渡听证定于2月7日-8日。The court scheduled the extradition hearing for Feb. 7-8.

而且已经要求将20名恐怖分子引渡回国。But it has demanded the extradition of 20 terrorists based in Pakistan.

对罗曼斯基先生的影迷来说,将其引渡是个蓄意报复、阴险狡诈的决定。For Mr Polanski’s fans, the extradition decision is vindictive and sinister.

恍然间,彼岸花开,血色花蕊,引渡着迷惘的游魂。Come to realize, the Bana open, bloody flower, the extradition of the Lost souls.

如果该名水兵拒绝引渡,他可能会在那待上一年。And Corporal Cesar Laurean could remain there for a year if he fights extradition.

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德国要求对其进行引渡,因为前者在其网站上发布反犹太内容。Germany wanted his extradition for publishing anti-Semitic material on his website.

加利证实,华盛顿方面还需要递交正式的引渡申请。Galli confirmed that Washington has yet to file a formal request seeking extradition.

他的律师认为英国与美国之间的引渡安排是不对等的。His lawyers argue that extradition arrangements between Britain and the US are imbalanced.

据称,德米扬鲁克在被引渡到德国之后会被正式起诉。It said Demjanjuk would be formally charged before a judge after his extradition to Germany.

我们为什么要把瑞典公民交出去呢?我们不同意引渡的要求。Why do we have to hand over Swedish nationals? We do not consent to the demand of extradition.

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对于给予庇护的外国人,庇护国往往拒绝该外国人的本国政府所提出的引渡要求。For the asylumed people, the asyluming country often refuses the requst of extradition from it.

印度要求将其引渡回国,而美国亦将其列为恐怖主义者。India has requested his extradition and he has been designated a terrorist by the United States.

俄总统普金表示,这一禁令让英方的引渡要求显得愚蠢。That ban, Vladimir Putin, Russia's president, has said, makes the extradition request "foolish".

请求国可以对同一犯罪再次提出引渡该人的请求。The Requesting State may make a fresh request for extradition of the person for the same offence.

如果引渡或驱逐出境都不可能实现,那么在当地接受审判就是免罪之外的唯一选择了。If extradition or deportation is not possible, trials on the spot are the only alternative to impunity.

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由于阿桑奇拒绝因此案件由英国引渡,他仍旧在英国的一处房屋内遭受软禁。As he fights extradition from Britain in that case, he remains under house arrest in an English mansion.

他本来是要启动被起诉人程序对被告人或处理西班牙的引渡要求的。He would have either to open proceedings against the accused or tackle an extradition request from Spain.

智利最高法院昨日颁布发表,承诺将壁炉前总统藤森引渡归国。Chile's Supreme Court approved on Friday former Peruvian President Alberto Fujimori's extradition to Peru.