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它兼有滑坡和泥石流的一些特征。It has some properties of landslide and mudflow concurrently.

滑坡或泥石流结束后可能会有洪水或其他的碎屑。Flooding or additional slides may occur after a landslide or mudflow.

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听见隆隆的声音可能预示着新一次即将来临的滑坡或泥石流。Listen for rumbling sounds that might indicate an approaching landslide or mudflow.

在土石流区域,建造渠道或转折墙,以引道流向避开建筑物。In mudflow areas, build channels or deflection walls to direct the flow around buildings.

远离事发地点。滑坡或泥石流结束后可能会有洪水或其他的碎屑。Stay away from the site. Flooding or additional slides may occur after a landslide or mudflow.

泥石流沟的调查,以往都是采用地面现场观察的方法。For mudflow investigating, method of inspecting one by one the scenes of gullies has long been used.

宁陕县城周围坡面型泥石流发育于中泥盆统地层的陡坡上。The slope mudflow around the seat of Ningshaan County occurs on a steep slope of Middle Devonian strata.

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滑坡和泥石流是陕南山地成灾的主要物理地质现象。Landslide and mudflow are main physic geological phenomena in the mountainous region of Southern Shaanxi.

介绍了宾川县大水箐泥石流灾害的发育特征。The authors briefly depicted the development features of mudflow hazard in Dashuiqing gully in Binchuan County.

大巴山区由于特殊的地质构造,滑坡、泥石流和崩塌等地质灾害时有发生。The complicated geologic structure in Danbashan mountain sometimes resulted in landslide, mudflow and rockfall.

它坚持说这次泥流是为三天前的地震所触发的——而这种解释被众多的国际专家所摒弃。It insists the mudflow was triggered by an earthquake three days before—an explanation that has been dismissed by numerous international experts.

一个在北福克图特尔流域已经由原木和岩石,部分在大规模泥石流掩埋,然后殴打桥鸟瞰图。An aerial view of a bridge in the North Fork Toutle River valley that had been battered by logs and rocks, then partially buried in a massive mudflow.

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我做梦也没想到会这么糟糕,我以为不过是一次泥石流,院子会被弄脏,我们要打扫打扫。I never dreamed it would be this bad. I thought you know, well, there'd be a mudflow and know the yard might get dirty and we'd have little cleaning up to do.

半山及山谷地带人类活动强烈,地形陡峻,经常发生滑坡和泥石流。At the middle and lower parts of mountain slopes, where mankind activity is intense and the topography is steep, landslide and mudflow are especially developed.

空中视图显示泥石流周围的房子被洪水退去,旁遮普省的部分地区拉詹普尔区,巴基斯坦星期日2010年9月5日。An aerial view shows the mudflow surrounding a house as floodwaters recede in some parts of the Rajanpur district of Punjab province, Pakistan on Sunday Sept. 5, 2010.

黄土泥流是黄土地区一类重要的灾害地貌过程,是泥石流的一个特殊类型,是水土流失的一种特殊形式,也是山地环境恶化、水土流失极严重的标志。Triggered by outburst flood, mudflow is a kind of debris flow and also a form of soil erosion, and it is an indicator of the most serious soil erosion process in the Loess Plateau.

根据迪那河地区独特的地理位置,对各种地质灾害的分布特点、类型、成因等进行了分析,通过野外实地勘察,得出该地区崩塌成因以坡脚水流侵蚀为主,滑坡、泥石流和洪水以暴雨诱发为土的结论。For the unique geographical position of this area, the origin of slide is the brush of the water at the slope foot, the landslide, mudflow and flood was introduced by the hard rain.

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以邛海流域的泥石流为例,分析了邛海流域内的泥石流形成机理,并提出了相应的防治措施。Taking the mudflow in the Qionghai Valley as the example, this paper analyzes on the formation mechanism of the mudflow, and puts forward some corresponding measures for preventing.

泥流在将大量泥沙搬运出黄土高原,输向黄河引起下游河床严重淤积的同时,对农业生产、城镇工矿、交通运输、水利水电工程、山地环境和人民生命财产等也造成严重危害。A great number of sediments are transported by mudflow from the plateau and cause serious silting and aboveground rivers on the lower reaches of the Yellow River and its main branches.

车辆是看到周围的树,因在北福克图特尔河泥石流7月11日生效,1980年,贝克营附近,在华盛顿州西北部圣海伦包裹。A vehicle is seen wrapped around tree due to the force of the mudflow on the North Fork Toutle River on July 11, 1980, near Camp Baker, northwest of Mount St. Helens in Washington state.