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生物医药产业成为新的经济增长点。Biomedicine Industry Becomes New Economic Growth Point.

这是生物医学与生物技术的网站。This is the website of Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology.

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然而生物医学在实现MDG方面的作用远远没有终结。Yet the role of biomedicine in meeting the MDGs is far from over.

想想开源研究将给生物医药带来的进展。Imagine the progress open-source research could make in biomedicine.

动物实验对生物医学的发展起到重要作用。Animal experiments play an important role in development of biomedicine.

主要致力于医学与生物医学等领域的研究与教育。It is primarily dedicated to education and research in medicine and biomedicine.

天然染料应用的核心价值是它的安全性和生物医学性。The key value that the natural dyestuffs employ is its security and biomedicine.

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中国浙江从事生物医药研发的科研机构。Zhejiang, China. Zhejiang Cell Biomedical College specializes in the R&D of biomedicine.

文章介绍并探讨了飞秒激光在生物医学方面的应用及发展动态。The essay discusses the application of femtosecond laser in biomedicine and its development.

任何文化都不能强行提出一些标准去规范国际间的生物医学。No one culture is priveleged for providing the terms for regulating international biomedicine.

它还把纽卡斯尔大学排在生物医药专业前100强的第63名。It also places the University at 63 in its list of the World's top 100 Biomedicine Universities.

因此每个人都应该对生物制药和生物科技的基础有着足够的认识。Therefore everyone should have sufficient knowledge about the basics of biomedicine and biotechnology.

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多功能磁性复合纳米粒在生物医学上具有广泛的应用和巨大的潜力。Multifunctional magnetic nanoparticles have been widely applied in biomedicine and exhibit great advantages.

第一章对树枝形分子及其在生物医学中的应用进行了概述,尤其是对PAMAM树枝形分子。Chapter 1 begins with a summary on dendrimer and its applications in biomedicine especially PAMAM dendrimers.

生物信息学是一门数学、统计、计算机与生物医学交叉结合的新兴学科。Bioinformatics is a newly rising subject where mathematics, statistics, computer , biomedicine are cross-link.

后基因组时代基因组学研究在生物医学发展中将起主导作用。In the post-genomic era, the genomics research will play a leading role in future development of the biomedicine.

生物制药业美国是唯一在美国马萨诸塞州的国际展览上的生物医药和医疗行业的重点。BioPharm America is the sole international exhibition in Massachusetts that focuses on biomedicine and medical industry.

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次声的作用机理是生物共振,次声应用于生物医学,前景将会十分广阔。Being inaudible and with a mechanism of bio-resonance, infrasound has a brilliant perspective when applied to biomedicine.

上海市已将生物制品定为徐汇区的特色产品,进行重点扶持。Biomedicine goods have been designated as the distinctive commodities by Shanghai government, which will gain further support.

LED在发光强度、波长、实用性和价格上有很多优点,因此它被广泛应用于生物医学工程领域。LED has many advantages in intensity, wavelength, practicality and price, so it is feasible to apply in biomedicine engineering.