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这样一算,还是Volt更安全。This is safer.

它将使我们更加安全。It will make us safer.

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把你的头发所在后面,那样会更安全。Tie your hair back-it is safer.

如果拿不准,那么使用箭头更安全。If in doubt, the arrow is safer.

礼让有助于更安全驾驶。Courtesy makes for safer driving.

那样,我的心里也许会塌实一点。!That way, my heart may be safer. !

比尔感觉到楼下安全点。Bill felt a little safer downstairs.

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中国应该建造更安全的河船。Chinashould go for safer river boats.

这项研究的目的是让街道更安全。In the hopes of making streets safer.

加强城市安全的专门调查报告。and the Safer City Task Force Report.

虽然不像以前那么快,但是更加安全了。Not as fast as before, but much safer.

人民赶夜路也很安全。People feel safer going out after dark.

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还是在公园里面吹泡泡比较安全.Itâ s much safer to blow bubbles in the park.

大凹坑你就不能开慢点吗?。Major pothole drive a little safer would you?

为什么这样比正常的mailto链接安全?Why Is This Safer Than A Regular Mailto Link?

也许用的时间稍长点,但是却会更安全。It might take more time, but it is much safer.

因此,类型提示使得代码更安全。Type hinting, therefore, makes for safer code.

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他坐在班达亚齐的一个难民营里说,“我要离开这里,到一个比较安全的地方去,也许我能重新再来。”Going someplace safer. Maybe I can start again.

开车时系好安全带就会安全得多。It's much safer if you buckle up while driving.

在平地上露营怎么都会更安全些。Being camped on the ground is far safer anyways.