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上周,Riley使用了一个新的避孕环。Last week, Riley got a new IUD.

然后他面临杰西约莱利。And then he confronted Jesse about Riley.

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对教育部长迪克.赖利来说,这是非常美好的一天。It was a good day for Secretary Dick Riley.

特迪·瑞利给了歌曲新鲜而忠实的光泽。Teddy Riley gives the song a fresh but faithful sheen.

嗯,你为什么不把蔡斯博士和雷利叫过来跟我们一起去呢?Well, why don't you ask Dr. hase and Riley to join us?

相反,迪克.赖利更是成事不足败事有余。By contrast, Dick Riley was doing far more good than harm.

突然,赖利夫人投掷了高青年时期在她的肩膀。Suddenly, Mrs Riley threw the tall youth over her shoulder.

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过了会儿Riley深深地吸气、吐气终于放松下来。After a while, Riley drew a deep breath, exhaled, and relaxed.

德文·韦德和明星教练帕特·赖利。O'Neal, superstar guard Dwyane Wade and celebrity coach Pat Riley.

热火队有得是时间,帕特·莱利的名头一亮,就能招来更好的角色球员。The Heat has time. It has Pat Riley to recruit better role players.

然后芮利会教导弹琴者如何弹奏,以减轻其肌肉痉挛的情形。Riley then coaches the musician to play in ways that allay the cramps.

在周五对阵活塞队的比赛中,禅师将追平这一纪录。He is set to catch Riley in Thursday's game against the Detroit Pistons.

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如果卡梅伦将杀死莱利,莱利不会有时间进行反击。If Cameron would have killed Riley, Riley wouldn't have had time to fight back.

只要你工作买力,挣够多的钱,就可以过安逸的生活。So long as you work hard and earn enough money, you can live the life of Riley.

来利称不指望他能回来了,热火可能回寻求交易。Riley said he doesn't expect him back, and he said they may need to make a trade.

他说,他专程从美国赶到东京来参加与偶像杰克逊的见面会。Riley said he flew from the United States especially to meet Jackson face-to-face.

莱利已向每名球员以及他们的代表简要陈述了该计划。Riley has briefed each of the players and their representatives about the approach.

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莱利是一只会笑的狗狗,而今年他在自己两岁的生日宴会上再次“一笑倾城”,令世界为之“动容”。Riley the smiling dog wowed the world again with amazing smile on his second birthday.

温格对裁判莱利投诉他觉得门将迈希尔浪费时间。Wenger complained to referee Mike Riley about what he believed was time-wasting from Myhill.

湖人拥有历史上五位最好的教练中的两位,帕特-莱利和菲尔-杰克逊。The Lakers have also had two of the five greatest coaches ever in Pat Riley and Phil Jackson.