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我会为你分忧解劳。I'll take Ur part.

能给我搭把手吗?Coule u give me ur hand?

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请把我再次留驻在你心尖。Keep me in Ur heart again.

我可以驾你的宝马与你一起游车河吗?Can I ride with U in Ur BMW?

我多么希望你能松开你的双拳。I wish U'd unclench Ur fists.

你的背靠着墙。With Ur back against the wall.

我无论在哪都能看到你的双眼。Evry where I look I see Ur eyes.

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现在把你的手向上举。Now throw ur hands up in the air.

你的信息是错的。Chauhan , ur information is wrong.

念著你的台词,但你是否感同身受?Say Ur lines, but do U feel them ?

你怎么评价你的英语能力?How would urate ur English ability?

你会在哪些配件上花钱?。Wot gadgets do u spend ur money on?

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乌尔之书应该是万能个的才对啊!The book of UR should be omnipotent!

你曾经历过离奇诡异的事情么?。Tattling ur quirkiness-story with us.

妳的骄傲曾筑起了壹堵那样坚固的墙。Ur pride has built a wall, so strong.

但你是可塑的,而你的头脑呢?But you are plastic & so are Ur brains?

我原来是躺在你如炉火般温暖的怀抱里的。I have Ur arms around me ooooh like fire.

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超爱非常传奇女子王菲,多谢分享!Thanx for ur sharing, like her very much!

你来看望父母时顺便到我这里来坐坐。Drop in whenever u come to see ur parents.

他不再对乌尔地区踌躇不前。He doesn’t hesitate to enter the ur anymore.