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创建系统的概念模型。Create a conceptual model of the system.

那一个设计概念图您最喜欢的?Which one of conceptual plans do you like?

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对你们而言,观念上的觉知是不够的。Conceptual awareness was not enough for you.

是观念性的艺术家还是别的类型的?Are you a conceptual artist, or another sort?

隐喻帮助用户“理解”概念模型。Metaphors help users "get" a conceptual model.

今天,我们在这里向大家展示它的概念图。We’re showing the conceptual drawings here today.

从高级概念性的和可视化设计入手。Start with high-level conceptual and visual design.

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观念性的艺术作品对设计起到什么样的作用?What role does a conceptual artwork play in design?

像所有我做的分析一样,这些是概念工具。Like all of my analysis, these are conceptual tools.

劳丹开创性地考察了科学中的概念问题。Laudan studies originally conceptual problems in science.

一个模型可以是特定平台的,同时还是概念的。A model can be platform-specific, yet still be conceptual.

刘丽杰的作品属于叙事性的观念作品。Liu Lijie's work belongs to the narrative conceptual work.

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这一领域的混淆来自于概念上的错误。The confusion in this area arises from a conceptual error.

本文中的方法使用了这个概念框架。The recipe in this article uses this conceptual framework.

您是否使用图片3x3为使命,以节省的概念?Are you using 3x3 as a mission to save the conceptual image?

那就是为什么有时候它也被称作“概念分析”的原因。That is why it is sometimes also called conceptual analysis.

业务名称用在概念性或逻辑数据模型中。Business names are used in conceptual or logical data models.

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内侧颞叶对概念隐形记忆的支持作用.The Medial Temporal Lobe Supports Conceptual Implicit Memory.

谁也不能阻遏概念建筑师的思想天马行空。No one can stop the flight of the conceptual architects’ thought.

下面是“业务应用”的概念图。Take a look on the following conceptual diagram of Business Apps.