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母乳是一种顶浆分泌液。Mother's milk is one apocrine secretion.

培养细胞有局部分泌和顶浆分泌。The cultured cells show merocrine and apocrine secretion.

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具有特征性的病理改变。Results Apocrine carcinoma of the breast had special pathological changes.

蛋白质、碳水化合物、氨、脂质、铁等都发现存在于顶浆分泌物中。Protein, carbohydrate, ammonia, lipid, and iron are all found in apocrine secretion.

管状顶浆腺瘤是罕见的皮肤附属器肿瘤。最常见的发生部位是头皮。Tubular apocrine adenoma is an uncommon adnexal adenoma mostly located on the head and neck.

目的探讨皮肤大汗腺肿瘤细胞表面凝集素受体的变化规律及意义。Objective To investigate the location and distribution of lectin-receptors in the apocrine sweat gland tumors.

此例乳腺纤维囊性变有排列成囊的细胞的显著顶浆分泌改变。There is prominent apocrine change of the cells lining the cysts in this example of fibrocystic changes of breast.

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目的本文应用小切口真皮深层摘除大汗腺治疗腋臭的手术方法,希望探讨一种损伤小且效果好的腋臭治疗方法。Objective This article aims to find a safe and effective method by excision of apocrine glands under the deep dermis.

腋臭患者顶泌汗腺有一定的分泌周期,该特征对腋臭的临床治疗有一定的价值。There were secretory periods in the human apocrine sweat glands. It is valuable for researching the treatment of osmidrosis.

组织病理检查示表皮疣状增生,皮脂腺和顶泌汗腺增生。The histopathology examination showed a verrucous appearance of epidermis and hyperplasia of sebaceous glands and apocrine glands.

值得注意的是排成管腔的上皮细胞显示了分泌物进入管腔的顶浆分泌或细胞质分泌。Note the epithelial cells lining the lumen demonstrate apocrine secretion with snouting, or cytoplasmic extrusions, into the lumen.

注意排成管腔的上皮细胞显示了分泌物进入管腔的顶浆分泌或细胞质分泌。Note the epithelial cells lining the lumen demonstrate apocrine secretion with snouting, or cytoplasmic extrusions , into the lumen.

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分泌腺在青春期的时候长成,它制造出与性诱惑有关的有味汗液,能导致体臭,尤其是在腋窝周围。Apocrine glands, which develop during puberty, produce a scented sweat linked to sexual attraction that can also cause body odor, especially around the armpits.

青春期生长的泌离腺产生带有可以吸引异性的特殊气味的汗液,也可以导致腋臭尤其是在腋窝附近。Apocrine glands, which develop during puberty, produce a scented sweat linked to sexual attraction that can also cause body odor, especially around the armpits.

在形成顶泌汗腺单位的皮肤部位还有第三个上皮胚芽形成,它发生于皮脂腺始基之上与毛囊相对的位置。At skin sites destined to have apocrine units, a third epithelial bud develops from the opposite side of the follicle above the level of the sebaceous gland anlage.

资料和方法总结我院从1991年应用二氧化碳激光聚光后的热效应烧灼气化腋毛囊破坏大汗腺治疗腋臭80例。Material and method 80 patients were treated by the heat effect of CO 2 laser by burning axillae hair follicle and destroying apocrine gland since 1991 in our hospital.

福斯佛代斯氏病是一个罕见的皮肤疾患,临床症状是在年轻妇女顶浆腺聚集区域发生具有痒感的多颗肤色小丘疹。Fox-Fordyce disease is a rare, pruritic disorder characterized by multiple flesh-colored follicular papules, usually affecting the apocrine gland-bearing areas of bung women.

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我们在此报告两例发生于脸部的顶浆腺瘤,两例皆有型的管状构造与去顶式分泌表现,但其中一例有明显的发炎浸润。We present two cases of tubular apocrine adenomas on the faces and both of them have typical tubular structures and decapitation but one of them has prominent inflammatory cells infiltrate.