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有负于她。Fail her.

我们都会失败。We all fail.

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这是失败的。This is fail.

也许你会失败。You might fail.

我们怎会失败?How can we fail?

但是我仍旧失败了。But still I fail.

此操作应该失败。This should fail.

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技术抑或人为失误?Tech or human fail?

是他导致了我们的失败。He caused us to fail.

十个中有一个会失败。One in ten will fail.

终于,我又肥佬左。Finally, I fail again.

因此别不来参加。So, don't fail to enter.

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但是事实上,我经常失败。But I admit I fail often.

但这些玩意确实会失效。But these things do fail.

万一你失败了。If peradventure you fail.

然而他们也很可能做不到这些。Or they can fail to do so.

我们大可以尝试,也许会失败。We can try, and maby fail.

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因此我们不能失败。And because we cannot fail.

我们面对现实吧。我们都会失败。Let's face it. We all fail.

有时候我非常不幸地失败了。Other times I fail miserably.