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这其实是一种理性主义的观点。That is actually quite a rationalistic claim.

理性主义传统在西方可谓源远流长。Rationalistic tradition had been from Ancient Greek in western philosophy.

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他为现代自然法世俗的,理性主义的观点奠定了基础。He prepared the ground for the secular, rationalistic version of modern natural law.

他们试图通过使基督教教义见容于现代理性的人的思想来拯救基督教。They intended to save Christianity by making it relevant to the minds of modern, rationalistic man.

对实验室管理与人才培养的若干问题进行一些理性思考。This article proposed some problems about laboratory management and training talents in rationalistic way.

不过,他们仍旧是经济学家,他们的世界观仍具有极端的个人主义和理性主义色彩。But they are still economists, with worldviews that are still excessively individualistic and rationalistic.

湘军理学家罗泽南出生于湖南湘乡一个贫困的家庭里。Luo Zenan, a rationalistic Confucian philosopher of Xiang Troop, came from a poor family of Hunan countryside.

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而亚里士多德,则对“人治”表示了强烈的反对,他以其特有的理性主义的风格阐明了“法治”的必要性。Aristotle opposed intensively "personal rule". He illustrated the necessity of "ruling by law" in his own rationalistic style.

长期以来,在教育评价理论与实践领域,传统的逻辑实证主义价值中立原则始终居于主导地位。As a rationalistic paradigm, traditional theories and practices of educational evaluation usually focus on the value-free principle.

同时,城市教育对自然的态度更加趋于功利性,在教育内容与教育方法上更加趋于“唯科学”与“唯理性”。Meanwhile, the natural consciousness in the city is more utilitarian, and the content and method of education are more rationalistic.

他在大学学习的是十九世纪西方理性主义哲学,少年时期并没有确立对神和宗教的信仰。As he read in college the rationalistic Western philosophers of the nineteenth century, his boyhood faith in God and religion was unsettled.

如果提到的,它是理性的判断是一个幻想,而导致没有实质进展,因此可以放心地忽略或嘲笑。If mentioned at all, it is judged to be a rationalistic fancy which led to no real progress and therefore can be safely ignored or ridiculed.

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西方科学之所以能够持续地向前发展,与西方文化中的怀疑和批判传统、理性主义传统等是密不可分的。That Western science can develop continuously is closely related to the skeptical and critical and rationalistic tradition in Western culture.

道家,儒家、汉传佛家是理性主义式的半宗教,缺乏同一个乃至几个超越宇宙的神的个人之间关系。Daoism, Confucianism, Chinese Buddhism are rationalistic quasi-religions lacking any personal relationship with a transcendent deity or deities.

在将法学与神学和宗教分离时,他为现代自然法世俗的、理性主义的观点奠定了基础。In detachIng the science of law from theology and religion, he prepared the ground for the secular, rationalistic version of modern natural law.

在古典自然法学说和理性主义思潮的影响下,人的理性与价值得以在实在法中成为人格的基础,财产要素在人格基础上被摒除。Affected by doctrine of classical natural law and rationalistic thoughts, the basis of personality on positive law is not property but reasoning value of person.

另一方面理学家和统治者又极力想把封建枷锁套在妇女身上,反对妇女再嫁,但在当时实际上影响并不大。However, the rationalistic Confucian philosophers and the rulers vigorously opposed the remarrying of women, though their influence was limited practically then.

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维布伦不仅是20世纪美国著名的经济学家和社会学家,也是高等教育哲学中理性主义的卓越代表。Veblen was not only a famous economist and sociologist in the 20th century but also a rationalistic representative in the philosophical genres of higher education.

然而,因为这个看法中过于强烈地显现波普理性主义形象的缘故,所以这个「形象」遭遇费耶阿本批判为缺乏一致性的方法论。However, due to its rationalistic image implanted from Popper's critical rationalism, this combination has been severely criticized by P. Feyerabend for lacking consistency.

不过,由于哈耶克本人的意识形态取向以及对当时日益偏盛的理性实践的过激反应,导致了他集中主要精力去发掘西方社会中的自由演化传统。Nevertheless, because of his ideology and ultra- reaction to rationalistic practice, Hayek focus to excavate the tradition of latitudinarianism and evolutionism rooted in western society.