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今日,露西尔·鲍尔诞辰100周年。Lucille Ball would be 100 years old today.

露西尔和我将会很高兴同你们共进晚餐的。Any night. Lucille and I'd love to have you.

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顺便一提,露西儿是他的吉他的名字。Lucille , by the way, is the name of his guitar.

2011年8月6日——难以想象没有露西尔·鲍尔的世界。Aug. 6, 2011 -- It’s tough to imagine a world without Lucille Ball.

他的吉他是在乡村音乐著名的露西尔是在蓝调音乐。His guitar is as famous in country music as Lucille is in blues music.

如果猫王是摇滚乐之王,Lucille球的喜剧女王。If Elvis was the king of rock and roll, Lucille Ball was the queen of comedy.

约翰开车子到车站去接露西尔了,所以她本来不必步行回家。John went to the station with the car to meet Lucille , so she needn't have walked.

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右边的女孩是来自路易斯安那州巴吞鲁日的露西尔·迪皮伊,其他两位身份不明。The girl on right is Lucille Dupuy of Baton Rouge, La. The others are unidentified.

这个小家伙叫朱尼尔,他是娱乐界的传奇人物保罗的儿子。This little guy is Desi Arnaz junior, the son of entertainment legend, Lucille Ball.

它甚至得到来自洛希尔•鲍尔,法拉•福赛特,丽萨•米内利以及更多小明星们的肖像版权。It even scored copyfights from Lucille Ball, Farrah Fawcett, Liza Minelli and more starlets.

实际上露茜丽关于要慢慢地吃的观点是对的,不过我不敢担保谎报年龄也是。Actually Lucille is right about the eating slowly but I can't vouch for the lying of one's age.

其中包括卡尔和葆拉、克朗斯塔特和鲍里斯、塔尼亚和西尔维斯特、莫尔多夫和露西尔,除了菲尔莫全是。There's Carl and Paula, and Cronstadt and Boris, and Tania and Sylvester, and Moldorf and Lucille. All except Fillmore.

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杰克逊为了给她17岁的孙子带来希望,多年来一直和社区里的黑帮和极端暴力进行斗争。For years, Lucille Jackson battled gangs and extreme violence in her community to provide hope for her 17-year-old grandson.

从前有个老妇人吞了一个巫师、一些骨头、一个小妖精、一个幽灵、一只猫、一只猫头鹰和一只蝙蝠!LUCILLE COLANDRO has authored several other Old Lady books with Jared Lee, including There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Shell!

在巴黎的一个郊区,斯威和她的丈夫法尔等当地居民说,他们从来没有为欧盟议会代表投票。In the Paris suburb of Le Perreux, residents like Lucille Svay and her husband Chan Phal said they had not voted for their EU parliament representatives.