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他为斯都克市队踢球。He plays for Stoke.

把潮湿的心抚暖。It can stoke the wet heart warm.

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等到夜半钟响,上帝就会获胜。At stoke of midnight God shall win.

你可教我蛙泳吗?Could you teach me the breast stoke?

莫斯科能够使危机的余火重新烧旺。Moscow could stoke the embers of crisis.

我是格林斯比莱罗兹医生,来自斯托克默林。I am Dr. Grimesby Roylott, of Stoke Moran.

运动粘度单位是沲。The unit of kinematic viscosity is the stoke.

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比主场声势,有斯托克城或桑德兰。Stoke City or Sunderland on home ground noise.

这一证实将要引起一场争论。That confirmation will stoke an ongoing debate.

他们刚在斯托克地区开了一家新宾馆。They've just opened a new hotel in the Stoke area.

此外斯托克城和托特纳姆热刺对他有兴趣。Also Stoke City and Tottenham are interested in him.

快生火,拿出银器,叫醒瓷碟。Stoke the fire, break out the silver, wake the china.

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他们要吃得饱饱的,然后去参加战斗。They would stoke up with food and then join in the battle.

你认为决定斯托克胜败的人将是谁,以及理由。Who do you feel can be the match-winner for Stoke and why?

对斯托克城的比赛也让阿森纳搭上了西奥•沃尔科特。That Stoke game also cost Arsenal the services of Theo Walcott.

他们有说有笑,一边看着斯托克城和布莱克本的比赛。They were having a laugh and watching the Stoke v Blackburn game.

中国的炮舰,仍然意味着紧张气氛,也许比赌场更加火上浇油。China's gunboats, meant to still tensions, may stoke them instead.

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“曼德维尔”则受到白金汉郡的斯托克曼德维尔的启发。Mandeville's name is inspired by Stoke Mandeville in Buckinghamshire.

分析心理障碍与脑卒中严重程度的相关性。The relationship between NIHSS and the severity of stoke was analyzed.

比赛结束时大部分斯托克球迷都安静下来,不过曼联球迷们还在放声高歌。By the end of the game all of the Stoke fans had quietened down, though.