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这些都是复仇天使。These were the seraphim.

提香炉的撒拉弗的脚步声响在有簇饰的地板。Swung by Seraphim whose foot-falls tinkled on the tufted floor.

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我们欢迎十五岁或以上的新成员加入炽爱天使圣咏团。We welcome new members 15 years of age or above to join the Seraphim Choir.

他属于该命令的塞拉芬,最高秩序的天使,何时会有他倒地。He belongs to the order of the Seraphim , the highest order of angels, from whence he fell.

在所有的概率基路伯,塞拉芬和驱逐舰都是一样翼爬行动物。In all probability Cherubim, Seraphim and Destroyers are all the same winged reptilian creatures.

据媒体报道,塞拉芬市长从邻居家垃圾箱里拿瓶瓶罐罐,已有10年历史了。According to media reports, the Seraphim the mayor to take bottles and cans in the trash from the neighbor, 10 years old.

原来,塞拉芬市长从邻居家的蓝色垃圾箱里拿可以换钱的瓶瓶罐罐,已有10年历史了。It turned out that the mayor Seraphim trash from the neighbor to take the blue bottles and jars can change money, 10 years old.

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但是,现在我们确认至少仙台教会的神职人员,包括主教Seraphim和Clement神父都安全。However, by now we confirmed that at least the clergy of Sendai orthodox church including Bishop Seraphim and Fr Clement is safe.

为这短时间内预言的实现,你们与那些真实的大天使和六翼天使并肩生活着。For this short time of the fulfillment of prophecy, you are living side by side with those of the angelic kingdom right up to archangels and seraphim.

炽天使不仅仅是九级天使中最高的一级,而且还在奥尼修斯设计的体系的头三个一组中排行第一,紧跟着的是智天使和座天使。Not only are the seraphim the highest of the nine choirs, they are ranked first in the first triad of the Dionysian scheme, with the cherubim and the thrones.

六翼天使的战技“神力防护”现在每个等级持续时间有少许减少。Die Seraphim-Kampfkunst Notschild hat jetzt eine leicht verringerte Dauer pro Level. The Seraphim Notschild-martial now has a slightly reduced duration per level.

成为一个炽天使是巨大的只有英雄中的英雄才配拥有的荣耀,她们像救世主般从天堂带来帝皇的愤怒。Being a Seraphim is a great honour in that they are often lauded as the heroes among heroes , the 'saviours' of a battle as they dispense the Emperor's wrath from the heavens.

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弥尔顿在序曲中提到预言家艾赛亚,就是要表示他唇齿的邪恶,应该被净化,被其中一个,六翼天使用炭火烧掉。In alluding to the prophet Isaiah in the prelude, Milton suggested that the iniquity of his lips had to be purged off -- burned off, with the live coal supplied by one of the seraphim.