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嗯,那座庙建造得还很巧妙呢。Yes. This temple was built ingeniously.

影片的构思相当巧妙。The plot of the film is ingeniously conceived.

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她巧妙的模糊处理了弥尔顿的惑众谣言。She's ingeniously vague about what Milton's bogey is.

于是,朱元章巧妙地夺取了皇帝宝座。Thus, the emperor-to-be ingeniously took the city and his throne.

在这里,张地理论巧妙地爱成为她文学理论。Here, Zhang's theory of love ingeniously becomes her theory of literature.

它设计得真妙,从四面八方都可以赏景。It was ingeniously designed so that one can enjoy the view from all four sides.

他很聪明,脚上缠着几盒含有违禁物品的东西。He had ingeniously strapped a number of packages to his legs containing contraband items.

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它们没有除夜但是把山、水、构筑、树木战花涌结合。They're not big but they ingeniously combine hills, waters, buildings, trees and flowers.

郇山隐修会可不认为圣杯是个杯子。They claim the Grail legend—that of a chalice—is actually an ingeniously conceived allegory.

很多时候,他们只是告诉我们我们已经知道的事,只不过巧妙地用有表现力的幻灯片表现出来而已。Mostly, they have told us what we already know, but presented it ingeniously on zippy Powerpoint slides.

清晖园为广东四大名园之一,园中有其独到的妙处。Qinghui Garden is one of Guangdong's four famous classical gardens. The garden was designed ingeniously.

他们在威尔士的车中找到一根两英尺长的手杖,最后证明是一把巧妙的精致的自制手枪。In Wells’ car, they discovered the 2-foot-long cane, which turned out to be an ingeniously crafted homemade gun.

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古代的智者巧妙地发明了说出真相却又不让人感到丢脸的方法。Wise men of ancient times ingeniously discovered how to tell people the truth without being blunt to their faces.

安邦的造型时尚,美观大方,新颖实用,巧妙地为您点缀和衍生艺术的生活品味。Its modern, fashion, artistic, natural and practical design ingeniously embellishes and grows artistic life taste.

将香酥松脆的大杏仁与质感柔软、弹性良好的软糖巧妙的融合在了一起。The crispy Jordan almond is ingeniously blended with the soft sweet with soft texture and good elasticity together.

看起来艺术家们可以用分散我们注意力的科技来吸引我们的注意力。Artists could, it seems, take back our attention -- ingeniously -- by using the very technology that’s distracted it.

经典的牛仔骡布系列,在设计师巧妙地从新演绎下,一众时装潮人都为之心动。Classical cowboy denim collection, under designer ingeniously interpretation, fashionistas will definitely be tempted.

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乔布斯离开了这个世界,留下了一批设计精巧堪称完美的产品。STEVE JOBS left the world a host of ingeniously designed products hailed as the closest things to man-made perfection.

展馆以“旋动”——旋转与升腾的动力为题,大自然与汽车工业得以巧妙关联。The Pavilion takes "whirl" or rotation and rise as its theme, and combines ingeniously nature and the automobile industry.

用两次锁存法可巧妙地提取有孔洞缺陷时的板宽值。The value of width can be acquired ingeniously by using duplex latch mode while there is a hole defect in the steel plate.