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被那有著苍白头发的小鬼。By such slight genii in such pale air.

是的,伯尼是海格萨博的资本参与竞投。That's right, Bernie is part of the Genii Capital bid for Saab.

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天才的整个问题致力鲍伯和他的工作从2004年也包括。The entire issue of Genii dedicated to Bob and his work from 2004 is also included.

介于人类与精灵之间的是男魔怪和女魔怪、漠动物和火造就的生灵。Between mankind and the spirits are genii , male and female, inhabitants of the desert and created by fire.

国际上通常使用基尼系数作为衡量一个国家或地区收入差距的重要标志。Genii coefficient constitutes an important international criterion to measure the income gap of a country or a region.

但一切都没有用,宝藏消失了,他原想从护宝神的手上把宝藏偷走,现在宝藏却又回到了他们那儿去了。All was useless, the treasure disappeared, and had again reverted to the genii from whom for a moment he had hoped to carry it off.

虽然,这项交易得到更耐人寻味当你意识到在瓶子上海格无非是伯尼埃克莱斯顿等。Although, th is deal gets more intriguing when you real ise the Genii in the bottle is none other than F1 supremo Bernie Ecclestone.

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有时,人们听说被掳走的人会充当生者的善意守护神,我在闹鬼池塘听来的这个故事也是一例,它讲述了哈克特城堡约翰?Sometimes one hears of stolen people acting as good genii to the living, as in this tale, heard also close by the haunted pond, of John Kirwan of Castle Hacket.

我国居民收入基尼系数不仅高于国际通行标准,也高于发达国家。收入差距扩大已经成为影响消费规模扩大、社会安定的重要因素之一。The Genii coefficient of the Chinese residents is not only higher than that of the international standards, but also higher than that of the developed countries.

十几个沙丘的距离之外,飞速移动的白柱像喝多了酒的沙漠魔鬼一样,横冲直撞。In the distance half a dozen sand-spouts, swiftly-moving white pillars, looking like desert genii with too much “tanglefoot” aboard, were careering about in every direction.

我们使用经典的、经过稍微修改的第二代蜜网技术来获悉一些关键的信息,例如僵尸网络服务器的IP地址或者IRC频道的名字和密码等。We use classical GenII -Honeynets with some minor modifications to learn some key information, for example the IP address of a botnet server or IRC channel name and password.

魔鬼资本是一家私人投资公司,地方常识和商业触觉在投资决策的核心过程,同时针对可靠的性能。Genii Capital is a private investment firm that places common sense and business sense at the heart of the investment decision-making process while targeting solid performance.

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所有的那些放弃他们的自己类型的魔鬼,和变得适合加入神的类型个性的个性,被视为上帝的邻居和同伴。All those genii who have forsaken their own type, and become joined in individuality to an individuality of the divine type, are regarded as neighbors and associates of the Gods.

其他利益据报道,从海格资本来,对于那些在家里玩你可能还记得这些是一些现金,让雷诺车队载舟叉同一球员。Other interest is reported to have co me from Genii Capital, for those playing at ho me you may re member these are the sa me guys that forked out so me cash to keep Renault F1 afloat.

参加婚礼的几位音乐制作人对阿汤哥的歌喉大为赏识,并开出高价与这对夫妇签下唱片的独家协议。Tom's vocal genii did no work unnoticed along several music producers who attended his matrimony, and the couple hit apparently been attempted staggering amounts to sign an exclusive disc handle.

应用经济学中衡量收入公平的基尼系数概念,对分配结果的公平性进行评估,给出综合体现社会性、经济性和历史性的水环境容量分配方案。The Genii coefficient is established to evaluate the allocation scheme. The results show that the Genii coefficient of all indices are below 0, 2 and the allocation is equitable for every district.