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这是五块钱。Here is five Yuan.

七元一公斤。Seven yuan a kilo.

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我的名字是黎吁揞。My name is Li Yuan.

甚至一元也可以起存。Even one yuan is ok.

老天爷,我只剩下364元。God, I only 364 yuan.

他付了我五元钱。He paid me five yuan.

五十九元句号。It's fifty-nine yuan.

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李渊懊恼地说。Said Li Yuan chagrin.

她花了十元买那支笔。She ten yuan the pen.

电风扇10元。Electric fan, 10 yuan.

他一天赚10元钱。He earns 10 yuan a day.

两元一千克。They are two yuan kilo.

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计价器显示金额为28元。The meter reads 28 yuan.

这支笔花了我五元。This pen cost me 5 yuan.

我有69元。I've got sixty-nine yuan.

我的全名叫林远.My full name is Lin Yuan.

这顿饭花了我们30元。The meal cost us 30 Yuan.

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这支笔花了我10元钱。The pen cost me ten yuan.

两元钱一公斤。They are two yuan a kilo.

我与你打赌一百元。I bet you one hundred yuan.