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我真想掐死他。I really want to strangle him.

碰到毒蛇,就得把它扼死。Mett snakes, have to strangle it.

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同意。我恨不得掐死街球王。Agreed. I want to strangle Skip2mypoo.

3岁的孩子可以轻易地被勒死或毒死。A 3-year-old you can easily strangle or overdose.

在至少一例病患中,那只手试图勒死主人。In at least one case, it tried to strangle its owner.

我看到过蛇勒死并生吞某个人!I 've seen snakes strangle people and swallow then whole!

其实Richard是要报复他的同学,想掐死他们。In fact, he wanted to strangle them, to get back at them.

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最近我愈来愈瘦,有些衣服得改小点才能穿。I could cheerfully strangle you for getting me into this mess!

短暂的离别会促进爱情,长久的分离却回将他扼杀。A short parting can improve love, while a long one can strangle it.

迅猛的水流可能会把他甩到障碍物上,缠绕传输空气的软管。Swift currents may hurl him against an obstacle and strangle his air hose.

阿纳金谴责帕德梅背叛他,并用原力掐她。Anakin accused Padmé of betraying him, and used the Force the strangle her.

有个赛卢医少我二十两银子,赚我到郊外勒死我。Doctor Lu owes me twenty taels so he lured me here and tried to strangle me.

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你可以下毒或是勒死他们,你可以朝他心脏开一枪You can poison them, you can strangle them, you can shoot them in the heart.

如果可以的话,我真想掐死自己,和心中的魔鬼同归于尽。If you can, I really want to strangle himself, and the hearts of the demons die.

同时,在经济上我会对北韩进行扼制,并扩大PSI演习的范围。And in the meantime, I would strangle North Korea economically, ramping up the P.S.I.

不要将婴儿床放置在靠近窗户的位置,窗帘绳可能勒住幼儿。DO NOT place crib near window where cords from blinds or drapes may strangle a child.

啊,只要上帝在我最后的苦痛时给我力量把他掐死,我就会欢欢喜喜地下地狱的。Oh, if God would but give me str gth to strangle him my last agony, I'd go to hell with joy.

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忽然感觉自己就像一个刽子手,把风扼杀在那梦的外面!Suddenly felling oneself resemble an executioner, watch over to strangle outside that dream of!

来自拉丁语的单词是我们的宿敌——它们会使你的写作佶屈聱牙。The words derived from Latin are the enemy—they will strangle and suffocate everything you write.

莱娅·奥加纳公主原来被一条奴隶锁链绑在那个恶心的匪徒身边,这时,她用这条锁链勒死了贾巴。Princess Leia Organa used the slaver's chain that kept her bound to the repulsive gangster to strangle Jabba.