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它的壶盖是可以揭开的。Its lid can be removed.

什么也没有移动。Nothing will be removed.

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锡德尼拔了一颗牙。Sidney had a tooth removed.

内壁上的息肉一般是要切除的。Polyps are generally removed.

现在,她已经取掉了“昆布条”。She had thelaminaria removed.

那位官员必须免职。That officer must be removed.

他们把汤姆开除出校。They removed Tom from school.

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他脱下了棕色的无带鞋。He removed his brown slip-ons.

这男孩被学校除名了。The boy is removed from school.

被去除的铬主要转入塘底沉积物中。Most of the Cr removed deposits.

这些茶渍可以去掉。These tea stains can be removed.

大约在2000年,螺栓被移走了。Around 2000 the bolt was removed.

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他是我八杆子打不着的亲戚。He's a cousin many times removed.

移除任一型别的处理常式。Either type of handler is removed.

案发现场附近区域现在被警戒线封锁了起来,涉案车辆已经被移走。The car involved had been removed.

他把全家迁移到了香港。He removed the family to Hong Kong.

然后贴15分钟取下。Posted 15 minutes and then removed.

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鲽鱼撤下去,下一道菜上的是烤牛肉。The sole was removed by roast beef.

他们撤销了他的职务。They removed him from his position.

前腿的上爪可以去除。Dewclaws on forelegs may be removed.