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逐字写下你偷听到的所有东西。Write down everything you overhear verbatim.

但是它的内容却在Facebook上逐字重现。But the content reappears verbatim on Facebook.

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要学原文的神,切不可原封不动照搬。Copy the spirit of the original not do it verbatim.

在这个部分,考生将逐词逐句地复述句子。In this task, test takers repeat sentences verbatim.

在其他上下文中,非常容易重用它。It can all be reused almost verbatim in other contexts.

但是,玛扎尔又补充说,“你不应该咬文嚼字的寻找证据去证实文本。”But, adds Mazar, "you shouldn't seek to prove the text verbatim."

在他的报告的几个章节中一字不差地重复了原告提供的证据清单。Sections of his report repeat verbatim documents filed by the plaintiffs.

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如果有人要一字不差地听到原文,我就将文件随身带着。In case someone wants to hear it verbatim , I will take the document along.

他记忆力极好,能一字不错地背出好多部莎士比亚的戏剧。His memory was so good that he could repeat many Shakespeare plays verbatim.

“西方媒体不会原文照登我们的稿件”,他说,“但是很多会剽窃”。“The Western media won't reprint us verbatim ” he says.“But some plagiarize.

“西方媒体不会原文照登我们的稿件”,他说,“但是很多会剽窃”。"The Western media won't reprint us verbatim " he says. "But some plagiarize.

访谈过程以录音记录,再逐字转录成书面资料进行内容分析。Following the interview, recorded data were transcribed verbatim for content analysis.

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如此一句台词,一句在老电影里每个军官且雷恩能倒背如流的台词。Such a line. An old movie scene that every officer Raine ever knew could quote verbatim.

总统的讲话通常会被一字不差地刊登在国有报纸上。The President's speeches are regularly reproduced verbatim in the state -run newspapers.

他还为电影作了可爱的旁白,其中大部分直接摘录于金的1写于982年原版的小说。He also reads the film's lovely narration, much of it drawn verbatim from King's 1982 novella.

特别说明,如果你想逐一匹配这些字符中的任何一个,你就必须用反斜线。Again, if you want to match either of these characters verbatim , you must use an escaping backslash.

并以主题分析法作为资料分析与整理依归。Furthermore, all interviews were verbatim transcribed and analyzed, using the thematic analysis method.

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在本例中更适合使用逐字插入,因为这里的目标是精确地复制游标上方的文本。Verbatim insertion is more appropriate in this example, since the aim is to exactly copy the text above the cursor.

要阻止这样的攻击,首先要特别注意怎样显示用户提交的数据。To prevent this type of attack, you need to be careful about displaying user-submitted content verbatim on a Web page.

速记爱好者、打字冠军、速录师以及手写速记者都是受欢迎的。Steno lovers, as well as keyboarding champions, stenographers with steno machines and verbatim writers are all welcome.