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好,现在我们回到了语言的同步分析和历时分析上。All right. I need to come back to synchrony and diachrony.

因为耦合,成对的行走者将进入某种同步状态。Due to coupling, a pair of walkers arrive at some synchrony state.

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接着我们就会融入到这个温暖而又充满着爱的大同世界。Then we'll delve deep into the warm and welcoming world of synchrony.

第三章主要是对党报及其体制进行共时性分析。Chapter three is to analyze the synchrony of Party press and its system.

组织则是一些,同步完成相同功能的细胞的集合and tissues are collections of cells that are working in synchrony for some function.

他们之间的同步性大大减少了大脑可能处于的状态,减小了phi值。Their synchrony reduces the number of possible states the brain can be in, lowering its phi.

结果表明,近江牡蛎在25—28℃时受精卵发育同步性较高。Increasing temperature from 25℃ to 28℃ led to an increase in the synchrony of zygote development.

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对该种花蝇的发育与球果发育的同步性,以及与降雨、气温、土表温度的关系也进行了研究。The examination of cone phenology with development of the fly revealed a close synchrony of the process.

因此语言的发展既具有历时性即动态特征,又具有共时性即静态特征。Therefore, the development of a language has the feature of both dynamic diachrony and static synchrony.

他们可以用来解释生活中很大部分的现象,从情绪感染和社交同步到婴儿如何学习。And they explain a huge swath of life, from emotional contagion and social synchrony to how infants learn.

其结果,严重割裂了事物发展在历时性与共时性之间的有机联系。As a result, it seriously separate the organic connection of the development between its diachrony and synchrony.

不过他们确实有一种强烈的直觉,地面事件需要与天空进入同步的状态。But they did have a strong sense of a need for terrestrial matters to be brought into synchrony with the heavens.

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其中一个发现是,大脑细胞典型的常态是在不同的时刻激发活动,但在冥想中它们是同步激发的。For one, although the brain’s cells typically fire at all different times, during meditation they fire in synchrony.

时空是有弹性的,在我们穿越时空的过程中它会延伸、扭曲,这种说法听起来荒谬,却是无可否认的事实。The fact that space and time are elastic, stretching and warping in synchrony with our passage, is weird, but inescapably true.

天敌和害虫在空间上的同域性和时间上的同步性说明了天敌对害虫控制作用较明显。The sympatry in space and the synchrony in time indicated that these natural enemies had high efficiency to control their preys.

本文同时对雌花的结构和发育特点在桦木科各属中的异同、白桦胚胎发生类型及胚胎发育进程的同步性进行了讨论。The organization and development of the female flower and the type and synchrony of embryogenesis in Betulaceae are also discussed.

目的应用超声心动图探讨心室间协同性对心脏解剖结构和功能重构的影响。Objective To assess the effect of interventricular synchrony on left ventricular structure and function remodeling by echocardiography.

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结论PSV时适当调节ETS能够改善COPD患者的人-机呼气同步性,降低呼吸功。Conclusion The proper adjustment of ETS during PSV improves patient-ventilator synchrony and decreases work of breathing in COPD patients.

右室间隔部起搏能实现较为良好的血流动力学状态。RVS pacing could improve hemodynamic effect through keeping normal ventricular activation sequence and biventricular contraction synchrony.

激光和自然光有所不同,它仅包含很窄范围内的色光,光波会发生同步振动。Laser light differs from normal light in that it is of a narrow band of colours, with the light waves all oscillating together in synchrony.