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此证明无效。This certificate is invalid.

文件中无效的设定选项。Invalid setting in the MSDOS.

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她照看病弱的母亲。She looks after her invalid mother.

无效的页面档名,请换一个。Invalid page name. Please try again.

那病弱者倚靠在枕头上。The invalid lay propped on the pillows.

久病使这病人消瘦了。A long illness had emaciated the invalid.

无效的文字是另一种复杂的情况。Invalid literals are another complication.

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审查输入数据中的无效字符。Sanitize input data for invalid characters

她对她抱病的母亲很好。She treated her invalid mother quite well.

病人把吃下的东西都吐出来了。The invalid brought back all he had eaten.

在中国境内办理的认证书将被视为无效。Any certification done in China is invalid.

输入文件的变量79出错。Variable 79 has invalid number of steps -1.

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您的邀请码无效。Your invitation code appears to be invalid.

进入无效电子签证港口,是禁止的。Entry to invalid e-Visa ports is prohibited.

你点击的一次性登录链接无效。The one-time login link you clicked is invalid.

残障者需要各种的健康保险。The invalid needs all kinds of health insurance.

这一解释是非法的、无效的。This interpretation is illegitimate and invalid.

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错误是说,游标指针的位置不对。Invalid operation for the current cursor position.

罗氏认为安进这些更新的专利是无效的。Roche argued that Amgen's newer patents were invalid.

他知道,杜·奎斯奈夫人赡养残废的丈夫。Mrs. DU Quesnay, he knew, supported an invalid husband.