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人们为什么会抄袭呢?Why do people plagiarize?

所以我觉得很难抄袭,So I think it would be hard to plagiarize

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韩国人在大学里没几个不作弊和剽窃。Koreans all cheat and plagiarize in universities.

另一些人则试图证明他们没有剽窃。Others can try to show that they did not plagiarize.

无论如何学生都不能在论文书写中抄袭。On no account are students allowed to plagiarize in essay writing.

“实际上,正是一些中国教授教唆他们的学生剽窃”。Some Chinese professors actually teach their students to plagiarize.

“西方媒体不会原文照登我们的稿件”,他说,“但是很多会剽窃”。“The Western media won't reprint us verbatim ” he says.“But some plagiarize.

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“西方媒体不会原文照登我们的稿件”,他说,“但是很多会剽窃”。“The Western media won't reprint us verbatim,” he says.“But some plagiarize.

“西方媒体不会原文照登我们的稿件”,他说,“但是很多会剽窃”。"The Western media won't reprint us verbatim " he says. "But some plagiarize.

问题是,李洪志为什么要大量剽窃、篡改佛教名词术语?Why has Li Hongzhi tried to plagiarize and tamper with a lot of Buddhist terms?

郑氏的族人不能够抄袭江氏族人的培养计划的。Zheng Shi's clansmen can not plagiarize the clan person of river's evolution to plan.

剽窃就是攫取他人的作品并当成自己的使用。To plagiarize means to take the writings of another person and to use them as your own.

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最近的研究表明,许多中国学生抄袭。Recent studies have shown that a growing number of college students in China plagiarize.

这势必导致他们其中的一些人伪造研究成果和剽窃他人的著作。This has led some of them to falsify research results and plagiarize the work of others.

学生抄袭作业会给他的学习带来很多不良后果。The student will plagiarize the work to give his study to bring the adverse consequences.

故意剽窃者要被带去民事法庭接受审判,并且被要求向原作者支付损失赔偿金。Professional writers who plagiarize can be taken to civil court and ordered to pay damages.

当然,偶尔,会有学生在绝望中作弊、偷窃或剽窃。Of course occasionally, in a fit of desperation, a student would cheat, steal or plagiarize.

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你知道,我猜恐怕是因为,或者通常人们因为着急才抄袭。You know, I would guess probably because, or usually people plagiarize because they're in a hurry.

所以,不要抄袭其他学生,自己相信自己,你可以做任何作业,从中获得。So, don't plagiarize other students, trust yourself, you can do any homework by yourself and gain from it.

抄袭主义者的寿命不会很长了,因为他们尽做抄袭,抄袭别人的创意和破坏设计的发展。Plagiarists won't live long. Since what they focus on is to plagiarize other's ideas and destruct the development of design.