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你经常滑冰吗?Do you skate a lot?

你会穿着皮毛衣服滑冰吗?Do you skate in fur?

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这是一双轮滑鞋。It was a roller skate.

你每天都滑冰吗?Do you skate every day?

我以前喜欢在7号码头滑滑板。I used to skate Pier 7.

他擅长烹饪鳐鱼。He is good at cooking skate.

当我们滑冰时,我们穿着溜冰鞋。We wear shoes when we skate.

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在我4岁的时候,我看见过她滑冰。I saw her skate when I was 4.

那是个非常有名的滑板场。It's a very famous skate spot.

我们会滑冰,你们会画画上色。We can skate and Youcan paint.

他在真冰上学滑冰。He learnt to skate on real ice.

冬日里我们滑雪溜冰。In the winter we ski and skate.

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你可以在滑冰场租。You can hire skate at the rink.

你可以巧妙地一带而过,约翰。You can skate on this one , John.

所以你要想滑冰或者骑车,so if you wanted to skate or bike,

孩子们在公园里穿着旱冰鞋滑旱冰。Kids skate in the park with skates.

一只小蚂蚁停下来去滑冰。The little one stops to roller skate.

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王华会滑冰,我妹妹也会。Wang Hua can skate. So can my sister.

冰太薄,不能在上面滑。The ice is not hard enough to skate on.

你可以在圣诞节的时候来滑冰。And you can ice skate around for Christmas.