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在农夫敲打我的头之前。Fore the farmer bops my head.

傻瓜冲在前,笨蛋打头阵。A fool always rush to the fore.

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前面的路好艰辛啊!Ah! Fore way is very arduousness!

滑手滑船时能从船头到船尾滑动的座椅。Rower's seat that slides fore and aft.

因此,你的光芒在我的泪水中闪烁。There fore your light glistens in my tears.

国内外更多信息见包括读我档文件。Fore more info see included readme. txt file.

船员们把前甲板上的货物捆牢了。The crew lashed down the cargo on the fore deck.

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大火卷来,人们纷纷逃窜。The people took flight be fore the onrushing fire.

冰的密度比水小,因此能浮在水面上。Ice is not as dense as water and there fore it floats.

艉轴管前、后衬套压入检查。Inspection push up load for fore and aft stern tube bushes.

他是个不甘寂寞的人,常想招人注目。He is not a very quiet man and always wants to be to the fore.

故具有广阔的应用前景。There- fore it is possessed of bright prospect in application.

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的发展,没有料到的困难接连出现了。As the project develop, unsuspected difficulty come to the fore.

尽管如此,最近印度那些鼓吹霸权主义的人却已经跑到前台来了。Even so, Hindu hegemonists have recently come to the fore there.

其前窗采用透明耐冲击特种玻璃制成。Its fore window is made of transparent anti-impact special glass.

突然间,它前爪踩到的雪沉了下去,自己陷了进去。Suddenly the snow gave way beneath his fore legs and he sank down.

锥形海山是马里亚纳弧前区非火山成因的海山。The Conical Seamount is a non-volcanic one in the Mariana Fore Arc.

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你们要把冻猪肉前后堆放,不要交错。You should stow the frozen pork pieces fore and aft, not crosswise.

那女士按响门铃前,千思万绪掠过我的脑海。A thousand thought crossed my mind be- fore the woman rang the bell.

人民群众对干部特殊化是很不满意的。Innumerable fine cadres have come to the fore from among the masses.