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民主党需要赢得这次选举,以便更顺利地制定政策。The party needs to win that election in order to smooth policymaking.

这个国家的农民关注循证决策。Farmers in this country are interested in evidence-based policymaking.

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辅助决策学是一门亟待建立的新学科。Assistant policymaking is a new discipline of great urgency to be established.

美国人民有权知道是谁的声音在决策过程中施加了影响。Americans have a right toknow whose voices are being heard in the policymaking process.

它们相信,它们在全球决策过程和外汇市场中应当拥有更大的话语权。They believe they should have a greater say in global policymaking and in currency markets.

它肯定不会迎来了一个理性和数据驱动的决策后的政治时代。It has certainly not ushered in a post-political age of rational and data-driven policymaking.

在布什的叙述里,在他总统生涯的政策制定中,“没有抉择的抉择”是不变的特色。In Bush’s telling, the non-decision decision is a constant feature of his Presidential policymaking.

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蓝柏特、波柏和班克斯横跨科学与政策制定的世界。ROBERT J. LEMPERT, STEVEN W. POPPER and STEVEN C. BANKES straddle the worlds of science and policymaking.

波柏、蓝柏特和班克斯横跨科学与政策制定的世界。STEVEN W. POPPER, ROBERT J. LEMPERT and STEVEN C. BANKES straddle the worlds of science and policymaking.

辅助决策学的基本特点表现为应用性、综合性、功利性。The basic characteristics of assistant policymaking include applicability, comprehension and utilitarianism.

班克斯、波柏和蓝柏特横跨科学与政策制定的世界。STEVEN C. BANKES, STEVEN W. POPPER and ROBERT J. LEMPERT and straddle the worlds of science and policymaking.

施瓦茨说,美国的决策应以保护世界处境最危者为核心。U.S. policymaking should have the protection of the world’s most vulnerable people at its center, Schwartz said.

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权威外包是颠倒了的程序工程,破坏了决策的民主的责任追究制。Outsourcing authority is a top-down procedural project, which breaks policymaking from democratic accountability.

高大、说话温和、威严的Woolley,从容的周旋于伦敦城、学术界和政策制定者之间。Tall, soft-spoken, and courtly, Woolley moves easily between the City of London, academia, and policymaking circles.

正因如此,里顿先生对某些经济学家把“幸福”指数作为制定政策的考量重点深表怀疑。That makes Mr Deaton sceptical of campaigns by some economists to put "happiness" data at the heart of policymaking.

中国的决策体制是中国政治体制的中枢系统,也是决定中国发展的关键因素。The policymaking system is the backbone of China's political system and a crucial factor determining its development.

我们正在努力促使政策和计划想协调,同时对于那些关键领域的短板,我们要提高自己的能力。Weare also improving coordinated planning and policymaking and must build ourcapacity in key areas where we fall short.

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不过不管是在国内还是国际政策制定上,这一话题都没有给与足够的重视。But the importance of the topic does not seem to be adequately reflected in national and international policymaking agendas.

批评者们据此认为政府的过一天算一天式的政策制定方式本身就意味着失败,并反映出政府缺乏整体规划的能力。Critics argue that the government’s hand-to-mouth policymaking is self-defeating, and illustrates its general lack of planning.

部长理事会内大量使用一致通过表决制,影响着共同外贸政策制定与执行的效率。The decision-making mechanism"unanimity" in the Council of Ministers has fairly much impact on the CCP policymaking and execution.