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我想空运的主要优点是快。I suppose the main advantage of airfreight is speed.

大部分运送到海外的水果都是用空运以节省时间。Most fruit is sent overseas by airfreight in order to save time.

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中远空运代理有限公司有一个全球性的代理网络。Cosco Airfreight Forwarding Co. , Ltd. has a worldwide agent network.

昆明的鲜花相对地较为便宜,可以由陆路运输省下空运费。They are being transported by truck to Hong Kong everyday and the airfreight cost has been saved.

但布价航邮费及保险费须由客户负担。This can be done provided that the cost, airfreight and insurance premium are for buyers account.

请联系华惠公司并提供委托,有关费用与空运到货费率相同。Please contact Hua Hui's delegate and lodge the instruction, cost will be same as airfreight shipment.

航空公司之顾客满意度会对航空货运承揽业者的忠诚度有显著的影响。Customers' satisfaction of airlines brings up a significant impact on loyalty of airfreight forwarders.

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未经检验的包装不准用于盛装空运进出口危险货物。The uninspected packages are forbidden to be used as containers for the dangerous import and export airfreight.

请照现在的样子发过来。十二月的空运不要求同样的包装,所以我们将看看检疫期间发生了什么。Please just send as is. Airfreight does not require the same packing dec so we will see what happens with Quarantine.

国际航空货运代理企业作为第三方物流的重要组成部分,同时也得到了飞速的发展。The airfreight forwarding agent is the one of most important shape of the third-party logistics service, it's being rapid development.

正因为如此,投资者会密切关注作为全球贸易活动和增长前景晴雨表的香港航空货运量。That is why investors keep a close eye on Hong Kong airfreight volumes, which serve as a barometer of global trade activity and growth prospects.

民航运力的迅猛发展为军队利用民航货机集装化装运军事装备提供了雄厚资源。Finally, the feasibility of using civilian airfreight container planes to airlift military equipment is testified through analyzing the capability of civilian airfreight planes.

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在网路上推销和销售一本书的电子商务法,假设有较少的连系,但通常需要空运从电子商务中心到地区中心。Thee-commerce method of selling a book where a book is marketed and sold online is assumed to have fewer links but normally involves airfreight from thee-commerce Hub to a Regional Center.

航空货运业由于其巨大的市场潜力和经济效益,已经成为民航事业新的增长点。The airfreight industry because of its enormous market potential and economic benefits, the airfreight industry has already become the point of growth with new undertaking of civil aviation.

五十余年丰富的货运代理经验和专业化员工队伍,为客户提供海运、铁路、空运、公路等全方位的运输代理服务。It has over fifty years of experience in freight forwarding services and a professional staff, providing comprehensive services including sea freight, rail transport, airfreight and road transport.