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自己要习惯于“散快步”。Habituate yourself to walk very fast.

在欧洲的那些日子他常常去下等酒吧。He used to habituate the dirty bars during those days in Europe.

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步行是最好的锻炼,试试习惯走远路吧。Walking is the best possible exercise. Habituate yourself to walk very far.

根据我的古老爱恋手册显示,我习惯与众不同且幽默的男子。According to my ancient love manual, I habituate to a extraordinary and humor man.

无论一种经历一开始多么让愉悦,只要它变成一种常态,我们就对此习以为常。No matter how pleasant an experience is at first, if it becomes a constant, we habituate to it.

其他学者认为,这是一种类似于我前面描述过的精神休克状态,这种状态可能仍然“习惯于”假定存在正确的社会与情感支持。Others believethat a shock state like the one I described may still "habituate"given the right social and emotional supports.

研究还发现在遣词造句的思维活动中,学生习惯于有意识地将汉语思维翻译成为英语。In the sentence-forming activity, the student writers habituate to translating their Chinese thinking into English consciously.

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她还说在喵呜声里加上哭泣声可以让叫声“没那么悦耳而且难以去适应”。Also, including the cry within the purr could make the sound "less harmonic and thus more difficult to habituate to, " she said.

“唉,”莫雷尔答道,“强迫我说这句话实在是太残酷了,但我是已经惯遭不幸的了,我必须把自己练成厚脸皮。"Well, " returned Morrel, "it is a cruel thing to be forced to say, but, already used to misfortune, I must habituate myself to shame.

在第二阶段,胎儿“记住”的刺激和一些需要使胎儿习惯的刺激则小得多。" In a second session, the fetus "remembers" the stimulus and the number of stimuli needed for the fetus to habituate is then much smaller.

总的看来,动物能够通过自己的适应和行为调节,可以适应青藏铁路修建对该地区的环境所带来的变化。Anyway, wildlife could habituate themselves to the changes of surroundings owing to the Qinghai-Tibetan railway building by learning and adjusting their behavior.

总的看来,野生动物通过自己的适应和行为调节,可以适应青藏公路对该地区环境带来的变化。Overall, the wildlife could habituate themselves to the changes of surroundings owing to the Qinghai-Tibet highway construction by learning and adjusting their behavior.

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因为有发育问题的胎儿比正常胎儿需要更长时间去适应,这些类型研究有助于指出胎儿对某些条件是有危险的。Since fetuses that have developmental problems take longer to habituate than normal fetuses, these types of studies may help indicate fetuses that are at risk for certain conditions.

之前的研究表明,胎儿能对声适应并且胎儿有24小时的短期记忆,但这研究进一步检查了这些记忆能持续多久。Previous research has shown that fetuses can habituate to sounds and that the fetus has a short-term memory of 24-hours, but this study further examined how long these memories can last.