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这就是所谓的"移情"效果。The effect is called transference.

从技术角度看,这算一种移情作用。Technically, it is a form of transference.

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这被称为感情转移,应该尽量避免发生。That was called transference and was to be avoided.

研究人员将此称为“自然发生特质转移”。Researchers call this "spontaneous trait transference."

第三章讨论了名物化转换的各种类型。The third chapter explores the types of transference in nominalization.

转移包括把压力从弱的区域转移到强的区域。Transference involves moving force from a weak area to a stronger area.

组织膜是体内粉尘迁移的隔离阻滞带。Tissue membrane is the retardation cingulum of dust transference in vivo.

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产业转移是衰退产业退出的最优选择。The industrial transference is the best choice to withdraw declining industries.

比兴和移情分别属于中西美学范畴。Bixing and transference belong to Chinese and western aesthetic category separately.

转移一直被视为精神分析的重要技术之一。The transference is always regarded as one of important techniques of psycho-analysis.

本机采用可平移式中转平台进尸系统,美观大方、安全可靠。This Cremator uses shifting body transference system, good looking and perfectly safe.

这意味著,在移情时,我们必然看到性在真实界佔的份量很重。It means that in the transference we must see established the weight of sexual reality.

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科技英语专业术语的零翻译主要表现为音译和移译。Zero translation of English scientific terms involves transliteration and transference.

本文报告了对髂胫束翻转移位术的临床应用。The clinical application of inversion transference of the iliotibial band Was introduced.

人类语言在功能上有相通之处,因而音韵可以翻译。Human languages share commonplace in function and it makes phonology transference possible.

国家拥有的股份的转让,不得损害国家拥有的股份的权益。In transference , no harm shall be made on the right and interests of the State on such stocks.

通过各种单证的传递划分权责并转移风险。Through various documents and the transfer of powers and responsibilities of risk transference.

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这些指导者来自我们的物种,在我们的记录返回给人类的转移中进行援助。Such guidance came from our species to assist in the transference of our records back to mankind.

在这张专辑中——粗听比之前的更粗矿——他们把这点发挥到了极致。On Transference – initially rougher-sounding than previous albums – they carry this to new extremes.

改革以来,国有单位从业人员数量经历了一个先上升再下降的过程。Since the reform, the personnel transference of the state-owned sectors experiences an ebb and flow.