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他唆使狗攻击侵入者。He set the dogs on the trespasser.

老人朝着擅自进入的人喊道。"Clear off! " shouted the old man to the trespasser.

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它们的领土战争很短,入侵者被赶走了。Their turf war is short, the trespasser has been driven off.

死亡是降临到这个世界上的一个残忍的、无情的、可怕的侵入者。Death is a cruel, brutal, and fearsome trespasser into this world.

他们过去对付的充其量是一个偶尔闯入者或是小偷小摸者。The worst they'd ever dealt with was an occasionally trespasser or small-time thief.

它的褶边装饰与巨浪般的床帘,让他感觉到自己就像是设计师闺房的侵入者。With its pleats and ruffles and billowing curtains, it made him feel like a trespasser in a decorator's boudoir.

最后,杰克的主人唐娜迪克唤回了杰克猫,那只胆怯的入侵者才回头消失在了树林里。Finally, Jack's owner, Donna Dickey, called the cat inside, and the timorous trespasser disappeared back into the woods.

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但是国家承担的是一种补充责任,在其做出补偿后即取得向权益侵害人追偿的权利。What nation undertakes is to add a responsibility, which means the state can make track for indemnification from trespasser.

如此一来,当你身体暴露在过量的自由基之下时,您自己本身的防御系统将无法控制或限制这个外来侵入者所造成的损坏。Then, when your body exposes when the excessive free radical, your itself defense system is unable to control or to limit the damage which this external trespasser creates.

依据他和狗的关系和他所在的地域,一个入侵者可以唤醒狗不同的反应当他穿越对狗而言意义重大的无形界限时。Depending upon his relationship to the dog and the zone he is in, a trespasser can evoke different behavior when he crosses the invisible lines which are meaningful to the dog.

或者用其它方法,在第三方的见证下报告警方,其为擅自侵入者并私自更换门锁。但我怀疑警察将不愿介入。The other method is to report to police claiming that the occupant is a trespasser and change door lock in the witness of third party say police but I suspect police will be reluctant to get involved.