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他真是个多嘴多舌的人。He is talkative.

她在办公室可是很健谈的。She is talkative in office.

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这时伯特伦夫人话还真多。Lady Bertram was quite talkative.

只有哑巴才妒忌多嘴的人。Only the dumb envy the talkative.

嚼舌的鹦鹉被关在笼子里。The talkative parrot is shut up in a cage.

两杯酒一下肚,他变得兴奋话多起来了。He became excited and talkative after two drinks.

他们遇到了一位风姿翩翩,削瘦健谈的老人。They noticed a beautiful, slim, talkative old man.

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我驻足四顾,希望和更多的悼唁者交流。I stick around hoping to meet more talkative mourners.

一看就知道是一个文人,喜欢运动,却不善言谈。An exact literator who likes sport but not so talkative.

说得太慢或说得太多会不会影响你的分数?Would tardiness or being too talkative affect your grades?

其结果就是他们明显不如平时那么健谈。As a result they were considerably less talkative than normal.

上课多言散漫,应用功学习。Talkative and inattentive in class, should try to work harder.

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当我那爱唠叨的祖母激动的时候,她就成了一个话不多的女士了。When my talkative grandma gets emotional, she is a lady of little words.

她是出了名的长舌妇。她说的话我一个字也不会相信。She is a notorious gossip. I don't believe a word that talkative woman says.

她属于很活泼,很健谈的那种,而我却是性格内向,不善言谈的。She is very lively, very talkative kind, and I was introverted, poor discourse.

司机开朗,曾在广东打过工,一路是个好向导。The driver is talkative and a good guide and had been working in Guangdong before.

一个善良,直率,健谈,有爱心的人。爱好音乐文学。A kind-heartedness is frank , talkative , benevolent person. Like music literature.

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事实上,我们最后遇上一位半退休的希腊商人,他英语流畅,很健谈。In fact, we end up with a talkative semi-retired Greek businessman with good English.

该研究考察了中国西南山区一所乡级小学—朝阳小学—的教师们的工作状况。A care-free and talkative young girl in her early 20s, Tian taught fifth grade Chinese class.

相反,那些书呆子、假绅士,健谈短行才会被人取笑。Conversely, those bookworm, false gentleman, talkative short trip will be held up to ridicule.