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规则集是附加的。Rule Sets are additive.

因为它是在处理昨天的价格。Notice that this is additive.

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有些含有不只一种添加剂。Some contain more than one additive.

二氢吡啶是一种非营养性添加剂。Diludine was a non-nutritional additive.

加色法原色参阅下文。Additive primaries See Additive primary colours.

中国禁止使用氨哮素作为猪料添加剂。China has banned its use as a pig feed additive.

我们可利用积分的可加性。We can use the additive property of the integral.

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添加剂是复混肥料中不可忽视的组分。Additive was an important for compound fertilizer.

分散剂有利于透明改性。Disperse additive is advantageous to transparence.

线性方程的结果是可加的。Linear equation means that solutions are additive.

声音信号的重新合成使用简单的叠加方法。Additive technique is used to resynthesis the sound.

上海大立食品添加剂有限公司。Shanghai Tari International Food Additive Co. , Ltd.

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脱裤加速剂不仅仅是一种燃料添加剂。Torco Accelerator is not just another fuel additive.

数独是一个令人上瘾的消遣游戏。Sudoku is such an additive past time, so is this app.

支链淀粉含量以加性效应为主。Amylopectin contents was controlled by additive genes.

溴化植物油是在制造饮料调味剂时使用的食物添加剂。BVO is a food additive used in flavouring for beverages.

单铃重主要受基因的显性效应控制,显性效应是加性效应的24倍。The dominant of boll weight is 24 times of the additive.

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参阅加色法原色,减色法原色。See Additive primary colours, Subtractive primary colours.

讨论了输入附加噪声对注锁分频器特性的影响。The effects of the additive noise on the ILD are discussed.

甚至面包也添加了这种玉米中的果糖。Even some breads have fructose from the corn syrup additive.