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6个月内,中国就会自爆。The place would implode within 6 months.

为什么他们好像总是闹分手呢?Why do these couples seem to always implode?

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请容许我重申我的意见,中国是不会倒塌或内爆的。China, to beat my old drum, is not going to collapse or implode.

我实在无法想像这二个笨蛋是怎麽样能在七局下半自爆的!I can't fathom how these two nitwits managed to implode in the bottom of the seventh inning.

相反,最近大量行情下跌的报告警告说,中国的经济不久将会爆破。In contrast, a recent flurry of bearish reports warn that China’s economy could soon implode.

内爆效果模拟了您图像的中心被吸入虚拟黑洞的情形。The implode effect simulates the center of your image being sucked into a virtual black hole.

这个时期的她们,拥有无穷的能力和力量——一个女生可以改变世界,或者内爆。There's a lot of power and energy at that point – a girl can change the world, or she can implode.

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对那些担心B&B彻底玩儿完的同志们来说,这或许是一丝安慰,否则就别指望什么了。That should soothe worries that B&B is about to implode. Otherwise, there’s little to give comfort.

Groupon是不可持续的摧毁价值并且在未来的五年内将自我毁灭。Net-net, Groupon is unsustainably destroying value and will implode sometime in the next five years.

尼克拉斯·马格纳森,2008年10月10号,冰岛总理通告全国在冰岸爆裂后去捕鱼Niklas Magnusson, 10th October 2008. Iceland Premier Tells Nation to Go Fishing After Banks Implode.

我从5英尺高的高空摔落过一个,然后它像玻璃杯一样碎掉了。I dropped one from 5feet high that was about to implode and it scattered like a plastic-glass bottle.

中国不会崩溃,而且在未来15-20年内仍将继续保持高速增长,并将日本远远抛在后面。China is not going to implode and will continue to grow much faster than Japan for at least 15-20years.

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中国就只会偷窃和模仿别国的技术。整个国家烂透了,迟早会内爆。China can only steal and copy other nations technology. The whole rotten polluted house that is China will implode.

但是如果联合政府能‘熬过这五年,或许就不会像工党那样期望的会在内部破裂了。But if the coalition does not endure for five years, neither is it certain to implode as quickly as Labour might hope.

理论上讲,那些约比太阳质量大20倍的恒星会发生内爆,然后变为黑洞。Theoretically, stars that are greater than about 20 times the mass of our sun are thought to implode and become black holes.

科学家希望,通过从各个方向用镭射同时轰击,原子核球发生内爆,氢原子核发生聚变。Zap it from all sides simultaneously with the lasers and scientists hope the pellet will implode and the hydrogen nuclei will fuse.

你是否曾经坚持做出某种决定或采取一个具体方向,却只是装到南墙或最终破灭?Have you ever been insistent on making a certain decision or taking a specific direction, only to hit a brick wall or have things implode?

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当相邻各丝的等离子体膨胀到相互接触和汇合的程度,Z箍缩的主电流才开始加载,驱动各丝汇合形成的等离子体套筒内爆。Main current of Z pinch is loaded and then it driven the plasma liner to implode when singe wire plasma column touches and couples with each other.

作出上述决定之际,该公司正要扩大房地产投资,尽管当时美国抵押贷款市场正开始内爆。The decision came just as the firm moved to expand its commitment to real estate investing, even though the US mortgage market was already starting to implode.

我们的恐慌更加优雅,被加利福尼亚醇和的气候软化了,是一种松弛懒散的态度,还有,好吧,事实是我们还没有一家本地产业完全内爆。Our panic is more genteel, softened by balmy California weather, a laid-back attitude, and, OK, the fact that we haven't had a local industry completely implode.