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郊狼嚎叫…Coyotes howl.

狼为什么嚎叫?Why do wolves howl?

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他嚎叫一声跳了起来。He sprang up with a howl.

屠夫痛得发出了嚎叫声。The butcher let out a howl.

吼猴为什么要吼叫?Why do howler monkeys howl?

为什么肯定狼嗥?Why do wolves howl for sure?

你曾经听到狼嚎叫吗?Have you ever heard a wolf howl?

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突然一声嗥叫划破了寂静。A sudden howl pierced the silence.

我要让她号叫着改正她说过的话!I'll make her howl a recantation!'

山狗嗥叫,有著同样的愿望。The coyotes howl with the same wish.

但我不能,你知道,一起嗥叫。But we can't, you know, howl together.

女孩,男孩辛酸泪呼呼的睡着了。Girl, boy sad tears the howl of fell asleep.

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同时,同时,它将唱歌,吼叫,怒号。Meanwhile, it will sing, and moan, and howl.

远远传来了警笛的啸声。Has transmitted the police siren howl by far.

那嚎叫声好像要令整个世界毛骨悚然。The howl seemed to freeze the world with fear.

她开始说话,听起来好似轻柔的呼叫。Her voice began what sounded like a soft howl.

肉骨头打狗,狗不叫。A dog will not howl if you beat him with a bone.

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他一走出门,她就号啕大哭起来。She began to howl when he walked out of the door.

中国有句老话,“近朱者赤,近墨者黑。”China has an adage, "the Wolf will learn to howl."

听见狼嚎你可以握紧棍子。You can grip the club when you hear the wolf howl.